Himiko, Cute...But Evil, and likely teething I guess

I come downstairs this morning, Jay had left Miko out of her play pen to play with Moto. For the most part they are awesome together. I get downstairs and see my wallet on the floor open...I think "great she knocked the contents under the couch, shi*t where is my ATM card?" I look to my left and the is about a third of my ATM card, the rest is basically shrapnel.

Shikoku...Japanese for cute jerk face.


  • edited November -1
  • edited November -1
    Awww! But that's just too cute haha ;p~
  • edited November -1
    Ohhh Jess. It's just starting. Tenji has gone through 3 TV remotes, 2 Bose radio remotes, ALL of my couch pillows, I have taken three pairs of sandals to the cobbler. He has bitten through the cord to Paul's shredder. (I'm sure he won't do THAT again). And...he has chewed our sheets and pillow cases. Shikokus may not bolt to get away but they make up for it with their chewing habits. At least my Shikoku does. Welcome to Shikoku parenthood.
  • edited November -1
    LOL... I could make a several page list of what has been chewed in my house... Can't help but laugh it off though.
  • edited November -1
    Hehe. She was reminding you that money isn't the key to happiness. Smart girl! ;-)
  • edited November -1
    LOL that is hilarious! Miko is such a little devil :)
  • edited November -1
    "Japanese for cute jerk face." <------- LMAO!

    Ahhhh... gotta love those Shikas! :o)

    That sux!

  • edited November -1
    LOL!! Maybe she wants some money...

    Sorry about that, sucks having to wait for a new one.
  • edited November -1
    Ah darn! That's to bad Jessica, but at least it is easily replaceable.

    I cannot believe Tenji chews so much! Wow! Kuma doesn't really chew on anything, but I work from home, so he is really with me the majority of the time. That being said, we went away for about 6 hours and he was in our fenced yard and he pawed through one of our screen doors! So he might be more destructive if I was gone more often! I wonder if that might be it because I remember Brad saying that Ahi and Loa didn't chew much, but he and Jen are home most times too.
  • edited August 2008
    oh my! that sucks! but I'm sure in 5 mins you forgave her? maybe? :)

    **you know how to get her back? Make her pose for pictures.... and then post them here.
  • edited November -1
    Did she get your license? Because if you have to go to the DMV, that really sucks.
  • edited November -1
    Tenji's chewing behavior is mostly past tense. He was a champion chewer of household items up until he reached about 16 months. Now it is only occasionally that he might chew an "unauthorized" item. He does go through alot of bully sticks and other types of chewies. I am home all day so I monitor him closely. But, he is a rascal and knows how to get my attention. He wanted to go out to see the dog next door and we had just returned from a walk so I told him "no". Ten minutes later I walked into the room near the front door and found one of my decorative pillows with a huge, wet bite mark on the corner. He chewed the corner right off.
  • edited November -1
    My tyler chew the Knob on my demon stereo receiver up 2 dayas ago, so I have a receiver with one knob missing, look horrible (all well toco bell) I went and took the crate divider out of the crate tyler use to use and I put it in front of the stereo setup with a shoe lace holing it up in my living room, it looks super ghetto but that one less thing tyler to get into.
  • edited November -1
    The only thing she didn't get was my license (thank god). I got my new ATM card today, but only because I tortured them on the phone and tehn explained that I had to take my dog for surgery and stupid bank still had not gotten my new checks to me (which of course arrived 5 minutes after I got off the phone).

    tiny stinker,

    We will see about picture punishment...
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