Teaching a puppy to swim?

edited August 2008 in General
Has anyone taught a puppy to swim and have any-tips?
I would like to take Kenshin to the beach and slowly introduce him to swimming,
I have taken him to my buildings pool, and walked him around it a few times to get used to it, then the next day dipped his back feet in on the step, and today dipped both his back and front feet to have him standing on the top step. Im not really supposed to have the dog in the pool but just wanted to get him used to the water before the scary beach with waves! Has anyone had experience teaching their puppy to swim in the ocean (supervised of course)? any tips?


  • edited November -1
    My dogs all knew how to swim without ever being taught, so my advice is to just introduce them to water in a safe and fun environment. Of course, I have no ocean experience, just ponds and rivers.
  • edited November -1
    I know that some dogs love the water (we have lots of labs and lab mixes, springer type hunting dogs, etc. here in Mn that seem drawn to the water like a magnet). Others --- not so much. With Josephine and our previous dog, Joe, it seemed the best teacher was another dog because they both had an apprehension to the water. I'd look for the opprotunity where another dog is having fun in the water, and I bet you will find your doggie can't resist going in, and will likely surprise you by demonstrating swimming skills you thought you had to teach. Also, I'd say don't force the issue. If he is afraid of the water or not interested, its ok. He may also choose to join you in the water if you're out there having fun.

    Josephine doesn't really like to swim, but she loves to play in (more shallow) water if there are other dogs playing, and will go into the water to explore, especially if there are little minnows or other water creatures zooming around that she can see and chase and pounce upon. Joe would not go near the water until he was about 3-4 years old, then loved nothing better than swimming out to retrieve a stick and swimming back --- he kept that up all the way until the end of his life, and didn't mind if it was freezing cold water (ice just gone out), or summer bath temperature water.
  • edited November -1
    Oh yeah, just remembered that Skella wasn't terribly interested in the water until she saw DUCKS! Then the light turned on and she wanted to swim out after them. Maybe a game involving the water?
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