Shelter Work

edited August 2008 in General
So, I think Jen, Jessica, Brandon and Dave have gotten me hooked on working at a shelter. Or, at the very least helping in any way that I can. My best friend sent me an email regading 5 lab puppies that were found on the road in NJ - poor babies.

I sent an email to my entire company. In 10 minutes, someone calls and tells me they want a puppy! I feel so good and happy. Ugh, they are so cute.









  • edited November -1
    Hehe. They are cute! Good luck finding them homes.

    Shelter work (and I assume rescue work too) can be really tough sometimes. Probably more often than not it is heart breaking. But every once in a while you have a good day. A good day when an awesome family adopts the perfect dog for their situation and you know that dog is going to have an incredible life. A good day when you finally bond with that shy dog that would always hide in the back of the kennel when you went to take it out for a walk. A good day when you get to cuddle with an "aggressive breed" dog in the hallway so people realize their prejudice is unfounded. A good day realize the list goes on. At that point, its all worth it. :-)

    Enjoy the good days!
  • edited November -1
    Awww, such cuties! I'm just itching for the day when I have enough time to do foster.
  • edited November -1
    awesome job, I hope it all works out for them... and you! poor little things..
    Rescue work validates itself like Dave said, the days when its good, its really, really good. The days when its not so good.. well, that's just life I guess.
  • edited November -1
    They ARE cute! So cute! They will have homes in no time.

    So great of you to help them Barbara!

  • edited November -1
    That email has really made the rounds. I received it at work a few weeks ago!
    I agree with Brad...those charming little faces will land in homes soon.
  • edited November -1
    Hmmm. It worries me that the email has been sent to you as well - after so many weeks. My colleague sent an email to the person listed, who looks like she works for my best friend's company. I hope it's a real email!!!!
  • edited November -1
    There was an e-mail that went around like that a few months ago too.

    Even if it is not real, your growing interest in helping out dogs who need it is great.
  • edited November -1
    Awww...look at those sweet little faces!

    I wish I could volunteer at the shelter, I never ever get a response from the Shiba rescue & the shelter has been full on volunteers for the past six months! It must be a really great feeling :D~
  • edited November -1
    I've been looking into doing some shelter volunteer work... I blame this forum.
  • edited November -1
    First off. The email wasn't fake! YAY. My best friend contacted the woman in the email via phone. She did work in her company. But, one of my colleagues - for whatever reason, I don't actually know her (we have 300 agents in 6 offices) - sent me the name of her trainer, who happens to be the director of training at the ASPCA near us! I would LOVE to volunteer in that capacity. I'm calling her tomorrow. I'm so excited.

    Second. I sent an email to my company saying all the dogs were adopted (according to my BFF). In the email, I put in a little blurb about Koji. Not providing any info or pictures. Just saying if you know someone who has Akita experience, please contact me, I have a foster. Well someone did pass the email along. This family has a purebred Akita from a breeder in WI and has been looking for an companion for their female. Prior to their female, they've had one other Akita who passed away from old age.

    I sent him pictures and hopefully he'll move forward. I would really love to see Koji in a forever home. He's so sweet and submissive. He really deserves to be in a good, happy place
  • edited November -1
    That's great Barbara! I hope Koji's new home works out. :-)
  • edited November -1
    That's great to hear Barbara! :D Glad to hear everything's working out, I do hope Koji has found his home!~
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