Hokka Howl

edited August 2008 in General
I couldn't exactly get the full extent of the "Hokka Howl" however I was able to get a baby howl last night and this morning. Last night Jed was taking Kenji roller blading (he was taking them one at a time) and she was getting impatient while waiting her turn. The second one is when she just woke up. Usually every morning she will do it for me, usually, and this morning she only gave me half of one. I will get it though! Perhaps tomorrow? Anyways enjoy =)


  • edited November -1
    Awww. She's so cute. Poor thing really was getting impatient. Hooray for hokka howls!
  • edited November -1
    She knows you want it and is playing hard to get! The first one is so heartbreaking...poor neglected baby!
  • edited November -1
    what a beautiful sound! She's such a beautiful dog!! I can't stand it!

    Any Zelda dorks here? I'm watching this with the husband and he's all "We NEED a hokkaido so I can get an ocarina and play along with it". No, we're not getting an ocarina for a 26 year old man, and we certainly aren't getting a hokkaido (any time soon...)
  • edited November -1
    so cool! She's gorgeous

    Tsukitsune: LOL, I love the zelda comment, the howl sounds just like it! Your giving me a nintendo flashback!
  • edited November -1
    Speaking of Zelda... my favorite part of Twilight Princess is turning into the wolf :o) That is all
  • edited November -1
    Aww Jamie - Kangai is super cute!
  • edited November -1
    Oh Jamie, what a sweetheart! I think Kangai was just being considerate and had her "indoor voice/ someone's still sleeping -- I have to be quiet" voice on for you! Anyway, what sweet music, even if she is just giving you a "baby howl" as you say! Will love to "hear" some more videos of her.
  • edited November -1
    Awww....she just looks so sleepy in the 2nd video! Too cute :D Like "Moooooooooooooooom! It's too early!"

    Maybe you can teach her to howl on command? D:!~
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