Josephine --- star of her own videos!

edited August 2008 in General
Hope you enjoy these vids...

First, here is Josephine with her neighborhood friend, Eddie.

Now, here is my hubbie and Josephine --- look how much she has learned (little beggar!)

Finally, here is a movie of her great ditch hunting trip this past weekend (up at the farm, where else?)... Not sure what she was after, but it sure looks like she's having fun!


  • edited August 2008
    What a cutie! She really wanted that treat in the second video huh? ;p~
  • edited November -1
    I'm not sure what she's hunting for either, but it reminds me a lot of Lucy. Its almost like she decides there is something of interest there and won't leave it alone until she has found it (even if its long gone).

    The first video is very cute. Eddie is just a puppy right? A golden? They are pretty cute together. :-)
  • edited November -1
    That first video is so cute, they play so well together! I LOVE her tail in the second video!

    Its great you guys gave her such a nice forever home, she seems just perfectly happy! Makes me smile!

  • edited November -1
    Thanks, Dave: Eddie is a golden retriever puppy, now Josephine's size (the video is a few weeks old) and soon to be twice her size, if not larger --- his paws are huge! They get together usually 2-3 times a day for the puppy tumbling/rumbling as Eddie lives just out our back door. He was just 7 weeks old when our neighbors got him from a friend whose dog had a large litter (11 puppies --- amazing!). I think they will always be especially bonded to one another, as Josephine can't get enough body contact and of course as a baby that's exactly what he craved too.

    Thanks Brad , Dave, Osy for the compliments ---
  • edited November -1
    She looks like she is enjoying life. I love the crazy tail wag in the second video.

    The overbearing doggie parent in me is wondering where her collar is when she is outside.
  • edited November -1
    Josephine is really cute and I agree with Brandon, she really does seem to be enjoying herself and happy.
  • edited November -1
    Aww seeing Josephine makes me want another Kai. I really love those dogs to pieces. She is such a sweetie! I think her and Kenji would make a cute couple dont you think? lol. Does she have any brindle on her?
  • edited November -1
    Josephine and her lab pal are so funny!!
  • edited November -1
    Hey Brandon, that's a question I ask my hubbie alot, too! Kidding aside, the first video is taken in the city, so the collar and tags are dutifully worn. The second two videos are at the farm where we have 160 acres to roam. It's taking a risk, but lots of freedoms are experienced there, including going collarless if you are a dog. For the record, Josephine is chipped, so that amps down the risk quotient a bit! To our pleasant surprise, she is improving every day at responding to voice commands! Also, seems to be a bit skittish about wondering off out of sight of a human, even on the 160 acres! I think it has to do with the leashing/close monitoring required daily when she's at home in the city.

    Jamie: Yea, I look at your Kenji alot -- what a cutie! I will tell you my hubby is very distressed at the spaying decision, but perhaps you meant that in the "play"-mate sense of a couple (not the Biblical sense)! Josephine does have some brindle, but it's very difficult to see. It seems to be a very dark red/auburn color (I think blends with the black so much more). I will look for some pics/vids that illustrate (have to be taken with the sun shining at just the right angle) and post them late tonight (off to an app't now, so no time for the Photobucket process!)>>.
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