Reactions to your Dogs!

edited August 2008 in General
We all know how unusual and special the Japanese breeds are. With my new Shiba, I've gotten tons of "what breed is that", "is that Siberian Husky puppy?", "Is it fully grown?" shouted at me - common things Shiba owners hear.

But here's something that took the cake. While my friend was meeting Tsuki/playing with her, she noticed the "calculating" and agile nature of her movements and screamed "SHE'S LIKE A COMPUTER!!!".

hehe :D

Tell me your stories :D


  • edited November -1
    Haha. I have never heard that one before... But I have noticed that both Bella and Nola are very calculating about what they do. It is as if they never act without carefully thinking something out. You can just see the wheels turning!

    My mom does say that she expects Bella to sit up and just start talking to her one day because she has such an expressive face. I on the other hand fully expect Bella to just look at me one day after I have asked her to do something and tell me to bugger off!
  • edited November -1
    I think the most annoying is when people ask if Niko (red shiba) is a WOLF! I correct them and say..."you mean fox"? Moron! How do people not know their wildlife??
  • edited November -1
    Kuma gets comments of people commenting among themselves "look at that wolf" or "looks just like a wolf" "so beautiful". The wolf thing is clearly winning now he's getting bigger but when he was smaller fox and bear were popular too.
    But the best of all was the woman that asked "What's that breed? A Lab, right?"
  • edited November -1
    o.O Rui that is the most confusing thing ever to me. A Japanese Akita looking like a wolf? Do they know what a wolf looks like?? But yeah, the Lab still wins.
  • edited November -1
    I had the same incident as some one else on here who thought roxy was a CAT! and then ya know the common oh is that fox etc. but I got one that kinda stood out to me. "hey thats that whats it breed......Shubu hoso!" and I replied do you mean shiba inu the lady starred at me and she was like ya Shomo honsu. I was like WTF do I have to spell it out I just said it clear as day 2 ft from you and you still got it wrong, she was working at a petsmart too!
  • edited November -1
    Rina - I guess he could be a red haired wolf, heheheh
  • edited November -1
    I always get the "Is that a fox?" "Oh look guys, a Husky mix!" "Aww, he'll grow to be huge. What is he?" "Is that a Shibu Emu?"

    Come on people. Not everyone owns a stinking lab/golden/gsd. D8
    Even my dad pulls that on other breeds. The other day, an Alaskan Malamute came in, and my dad asked the owner if it was a white shepherd. It's body structure was much thicker, and looked NOTHING like a shepherd. Also, two large fuzzy dogs were on the other side, my dad pointed and said ... "Wow, look as those Longhaired German Shepherds!" ... no. They were Leonbergers. German Shepherds do not have huge fuzzy faces with hanging ears. Unless it was a totally retarded purebred GSD. :0 I always yell at my dad for being so stupid when it comes to dog breeds.
  • edited November -1
    Today at the dog park there was a very elderly lady walking by with a yorkie. She was telling me how beautiful he was and then she said he looked like a little fox, and then she asked me "Is she a fox terrier?" And i just responded as nicely as I could( I was trying not to laugh, she was a sweet old lady) " No, HE'S a shiba inu......Then as she started walking away she said " Well she is just beautiful!"......Oy!
  • edited November -1
    Don't even get me started on gender misidentification! I have a big muscular pit bull named Piglet who regularly wears a collar covered in pink and lavender flowers. And at least once a day I get wow "he certainly is strong looking..."
  • edited November -1

    Jess - that is exactly why I want a pink rhinestoned blinged out collar for Keiko, although I can imagine it must be more frustrating with Piglet!

    We have a little female Bull Terrier pup in our socialization class, and the poor things is always called 'he' - luckily I noticed the pink sparkles on the collar so I didn't look like a goofball :o)
  • edited November -1
    Yeah, its soo annoying! You would think that pink would be a very obvious color!FurFace's collar is just a brown leather one with a little gold dog tag, which personally I dont think is at all girly..but I guess I was wrong :|
  • edited November -1
    Even though I say Toby's name loudly at the dog park, people still don't hesitate to ask if he is actually a boy.
    I mean, he has a sea green collar ... but, I had the same collar for my other dog, and she was a girl. :X I couldn't change colours ... shes still gotta be there, somehow.
  • edited November -1
    Saying "she" is default for me but I usually keep quiet till I could hear the owner use its name or a pronoun that gives away the sex.
  • edited November -1
    Everyone thinks Niko is a boy. We picked her up after being at daycare all day, we said she, and they said "oh, we have been calling her he all day..." DONT YOU SEE LACK OF SOMETHING HANGING DOWN??" Then I put my foot in my mouth by saying she was butch, and I meant to say masculine (the people I said it to were likely to get offended).
    : (
    I have a tendency to put my foot in my mouth a lot!
    But Niko is not very feminine...And Niko is not gender specific but does sound like a he name.
  • edited November -1
    Awww, poor pups! All of their gender's getting confused!

    Maybe we should teach basic anatomy to the public again ;p~
  • edited November -1
    I'm sorry Rachael, I'm guilty of thinking Niko was a boy :(
  • edited November -1
    Its ok, We are used to it. But someone having Niko for a day not knowing she was a girl?? We knew naming her it sounded boyish, and her personality is not feminine at all, but she is my princess!!
  • edited August 2008
    Today we went out with Kuma and we ended up at a public park in Sintra. When we were going to the back to the car, at the gate, we see this teenage girl whose face just lit up when she saw Kuma, she went kind of crazy and almost forgot to ask if he bit. When she asked I answered "sometimes (smiling)", she then started to pet him, and of course he was loving the attention, as he usually does. We carried on to the car and, after we walked a good 300/400 metres, I turn back and see these two girls running like crazy. They stop by us and the teen asks me if she can take a photo of Kuma. It took me a few seconds to realize t was the same girl.
    I swear she looked like she had seen a movie star.
  • edited November -1
    That is actually really cute.
  • edited November -1
    Lots of people think Tojo is a puppy and ask how big he'll be when he grows up. Everyone says Rakka looks like a wolf or coyote and people sometimes ask how big she's going to be, too. I guess they expect dogs that are muscular and proportioned like that to be larger. If Tojo and Rakka are together, sometimes people think Rakka is Tojo's mommy. I think that's hilarious based on the way they interact with each other. It's hard to describe, but Tojo's sort of the boss dog lately and it's like he babysits Rakka and keeps her from pushing Skella around.
  • edited November -1
    I've heard the "how big is he going to get?" a few times before.

    And that is a cute story Rui.
  • edited November -1
    If I am out and about with just one Laika, people assume it is a mutt. If they are all together, they assume that it is some sort of breed but they don't know which. Many ask if they are Akitas (at least this puts them in the same group!). Many more ask if they are Border Collies. Gak! Border Collies??? I guess because they are black and white?

    So that is the big joke...the Estonian Border Collies.

    Kids often remark that they resemble wolves.
  • edited November -1
    Border collies? Those uncultured knaves!
  • edited November -1
    I have started telling people that they are "long haired pit bulls"
    Just to mess with them.
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