Josephine's Brindling

edited August 2008 in General
Jamie and others who are wondering: Following are some pics of Josephine where brindling is visible. Her brindle seems to be of the auburn variety --- don't know if that's true to breed, but I have noticed some pics of Kai Ken's with that reddish fur to them. It's very hard to get her in the right lighting for it to show up, but here goes:

Her favorite place in the dog park in the spring. I think there were tadpoles or water bugs about that caught her eye:

This video is rather boring, but the brindling is somewhat evident. Just taken this past weekend at the farm.

And one more pic, also taken last weekend--- look at the amazing red on the top of her head!




  • edited November -1
    When I come to MN I am going to steal her!
  • edited November -1
    Rachael : I don't know, she looks a little punk with that red hair up top --- might not be the best influence on Elijah! Maybe seeing the teenage Josephine?
  • edited November -1
    LOL, Im not going to be a good influence on Elijah, tongue ring, nose ring, tattoos...Josephine may be pretty mild. Thanks for looking out for my baby but you dont get off that easy!
  • edited November -1
    I can see what you're talking about, the brindling is pretty apparent [ though I'm sure it looks better in real life ] :O~
  • edited November -1
    wow, she is really cute - I really like the red brindle. Very pretty!

  • edited November -1
    i brightened my computer monitor to see it! you can make it out in the first pic pretty well. These Kai's are so dark that I bet its hard to get a good picture of what you see every day up close!

    The 2nd pic is so pretty. She's a lovely dog!
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