Spoiled much?

edited August 2008 in General
Toys Toys Toys!


Ninja has been chewing up EVERYTHING in the past 2 weeks. Especially shoes...my brother's shoes mostly. So I went out on a shopping spree and bought $110.00 worth of toys, chews, balls,ropes, etc. This should do the trick hopefully...plus I am going back to crating the dogs for a few hours during the day so they don't have as much freedom (thanks brad!)


  • edited November -1
    thats a LOT OF TOYS!! did they think you were getting a new dog? Only new dogs get that sort of treatment in my house! :)
    but, hm... that galileo nylabone is... interesting looking...
  • edited November -1
    Jazz loves the Galileo! I don't know why - it's not that different, but there's something about it. I got it several months ago and it's still going strong.
  • edited November -1
    LOL, when i brought my basket up to the cashier she said "wow, how many dogs do you have?" and I said "just 2!" she started laughing and said "they must looove you!" and I said "maybe. one of them is getting very destructive with shoes, so this is the cheaper route for me!"

    The Galileo bone is for the "strongest chewers" so I assumed this would be great for Ninja. He loves the regular wolf bones...so this is like a step up. Most of the fluffy toys are for Portia...she LOVES squekies and ropes.
  • edited November -1
    Wow. Paaaaaaaaarrrrrrtttttyyy for Portia and Ninja.
  • edited November -1
    When I see those Galileo bones, I never see a dog toy. I see ummm.... a toy for a lady to use in private.

    That white bone in the middle, check to make sure it is from the USA. If it isn't, return it, in some countries they use arsenic to brighten bones and rawhides for dogs.
  • edited November -1
    BRANDON!!! Kennel!

    Romi-Are you sure you love your dogs? I think they may be neglected...

    Niko will personally vouch for some of those...especially the hol-ee roller (sp?) She shoves that in Sasha's mouth to tug and then Sasha drags her around the house.
  • edited November -1
    LOL Brandon! I was chatting with brad and I just typed "I bought toys!" and he was like "what kind of toys?" And I explained...then he responds "I wasn't sure if you meant dog toys or some other toys..." LOL. You guys are so funny.

    The white bone is made in the USA - actually made in Long Beach, CA...not too far from me. The brand is Red Barn.
  • edited November -1
    Thanx Romi, now everyone knows I'm a perv. lol

    That is a lot of toys! Hopefully Ninja will stop killing your shoes - another idea is to put your shoes where he can't get them. ;o)

    The Galileo bone was never a big hit for our dogs, they will pull it out of the toy box every now and then and chew for a bit but that's about it.

  • edited November -1
    Brandon , I totally thought the same thing about the Galileo bone, so much so I just can't bring myself to buy it for the dogs. I did however buy the nylabone stegosaurus and it has been a really long time since I saw Piglet excited about a toy. I almost wanted to cry.

    Romi, I feel your shoe pain, Himiko has been annihilating shoes left and right, and I too spent $105.00 on chew toys today. ugh...
  • edited November -1
    Sasha is in love with the stegosaurus also! If she doesnt want Niko to have it and she isnt eating it, she will just hold it in her mouth looking back and forth with her gorgeous eye and brown dots above her eyes wiggling.
  • edited November -1
    Can I have some? *sad puppy dog eyes*

  • edited November -1
    I third the stegosaurus. That and one other toy from nylabone (don't recall the name, its plush outside with a hard inside) are the only two that can cause snarkies in this house.

    Enjoy the toys Ninja...mommy is spoiling you. :-)
  • edited November -1
    Nylabone sent the stegosaurus toy for a raffle prize at the upcoming picnic. Maybe I will try to win that myself. Nylabone sent a big box of stuff.
  • edited November -1
    Dave - you have a stegosaurus & the plush thing coming your way in the goodie bag!
  • edited November -1
    Wow ninja got hookup!!!!!

    My tyler is a little devil when it comes to chewing stuff up too. The more time I spend with him playing and walking him, and taking him to the dog park , the less bad he is.

    Our dogs are like bad gangbangers, if you keep them busy doing productive things, they stop living a destructive life.
  • edited August 2008
    Awesome LJ! It pays to know people. ;-)
  • edited November -1
    I agree! I told you I got the goods!
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