Wet Boxer!
Today is pretty hot...actually...its been pretty hot for the past few weeks. Today after taking the dogs out for their afternoon walk, I decided to water the grass (the grass that I have left anyway) and for some reason Portia was really entertained by it. So I turned the nozzle to "mist" and let her enjoy herself. After a minute or two, she got a boost of energy or something and started doing boxer 500's around the yard. She's so cute!
That was really cute thanks for sharing that.
Ninja was like "You're WET! What are you doing? You're in WATER - It's all over you!!! OMG!!!".
BTW, did that patch grass seed stuff you ordered ever work out?
Ninja seems to want to join the fun, but "if possible, without the water, please!"
If anyone has problems with growing grass...I highly suggest getting PATCH PERFECT! You have to heavily water for the first 2 weeks, but after that, just water normally. It can grow on anything! I saw it on a informercial and they grew it on a block of concrete!
With her black coat and the hot summer weather we can have here in MN, this was an almost daily ritual for Josephine after her walk around mid-afternoon. My hubbie said she did not always like the hose so much, but tolerated it for the towel rubdown later!