18 New Mika Pics, Spam Galore! Sorry!

edited September 2008 in General
Mika finally ate some chicken today and she seems to be feeling a lot better. We went outside since she has had a few good days of antibiotics and her first round of shots. She didn't get sick from anything in my yard anyway, I am just usually cautious. She was wanting to go outside today, though, so out we went and I took some pics. Along with that are some pics from last night showing that this dog will sleep anywhere, lol. Enjoy!
Mika Outside With Ball
Mika Looking Mean
How About You Chase The Ball Human?
What's That Rolling?
Mika Vs. Ball
Mika Just Chilling
This Hand Is Bigger Than My Body
Mika Sleeping On My Lap
Mika's Markings
Mika's Chest Markings
Mika And Me
Get That Camera Out Of My Face!
Falling Out Of Her Bed
Mika Sleeping Peacefully
Basically The Size Of My Remote
Mika's Beautiful Face
Mika Passing Out
Mika And Her Toys


  • edited November -1
    Oh man, I'd forgotton how tiny Shiba puppies are! She is so damn cute its unbelievable. I really like the one of her lounging in the grass. :-)
  • edited November -1
    How cute! Mika is gorgeous! I love puppy spam!
  • edited November -1
    She's so tiny, but so cute :) ~
  • edited November -1
    Cute pictures. The one where she is passed out in your lap is too funny.
  • edited November -1
    So cute! How old is she again?
  • edited November -1
    She's so cute!
  • edited November -1
    She is almost 9 weeks old. Tomorrow she will be that age, actually. Thanks for all of the comments! I think she will turn out to be a beautiful Shiba Inu, hopefully one that I can be proud of. I'm working hard to train her right but that darn face gets me every time :)
  • edited November -1
    Aww. Well, she does not look much worse for the wear after her ordeal. :) But man, is she tiny! And super adorable.
  • edited November -1
    Yeah she seems to be recovering nicely. I'm struggling to get her bck on a schedule so a lot of whining is taking place, lol. But thanks. I will get more pics when she fattens up some more.
  • edited November -1
    She's so little!!! And CUTE!
  • edited November -1
    She is tiny! Very cute too! Great spam!
  • edited November -1
    My god you are making it super difficult for me to last these next few weeks until I get mine (Oct 2nd). Yours is adorable!

    Thanks for sharing,
  • edited November -1
    Thanks for the pictures--- what an adorable puppie! Enjoy --- puppyhood does not last long!

    Too funny about her sleeping anywhere, and that's a good trait, I think!

    Glad she's on the mend, and take care!
  • edited November -1
    SOOOOO Cute! She seems like a very promising sesame !

    I don't know how to bring this up, but ... um ... be careful with Tennis Ball fuzz, Akira ate some of it while he was playing and next morning I had to *red face* pull is poop out of him because it got stuck inside. If you can find a rubber ball or a Cuz you won't have to live this situation ^-^ which of course was full of shiba drama with screams and all. Someone even came to check up on us because she was wondering what I was doing to my poor dog lol.
  • edited November -1
    LOL, I don't mean to laugh but I can picture someone thinking a Shiba was getting killed by the way they scream. Thanks for the heads up on the ball and I will definitely take your word for it.
  • edited November -1
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