thought I'd share this story

edited September 2008 in General
My mom is 86 years old and has severe dementia, poor mobilty and can be very aggressive so when choosing which dogs I was going to have i had to take this into consideration. I had heard a lot about Akitas being used for therapy dogs but was still a little unsure. But in my heart I knew that an Akita or two was the dogs for me.
any way at first the dogs would not go near my mom and this seemed to upset her not in an aggressive way but as the pups have got older Ozzy goes to my mom and puts his head on her lap as to say r u ok lets her stroke him then goes away. then missy will come in and does the same thing.
At the moment my mom is very poorly I went up stairs I heard the dogs downstairs go quiet. This worried me so I ran downstairs both dogs had got up on the settee and was snuggled up to my mom which had really calmed her down
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