Losing Teeth......

edited October 2008 in General
Honey has lost one of her front teeth. I didnt think that happened this early???? Someone help reassure me it's okay!!!!!


  • edited November -1
    How old is she again? Niko had almost all of hers gone by 6 months.
  • edited November -1
    JUST 5months. It was one of the long ones. (k9's?)
  • edited November -1
    Yep. That's exactly the right time. Her full set of adult teethe will be in between 6 and 7 months.
  • edited November -1
    omg. I was so worried. I guess the hubby said she was out playing in the yard with him. She wa chasing the football and she yelped. I've never seen a pups tooth come out before. I looks like it BROKE off. I mean....lol....there's no ROOT?!

    Whew! I was soooo worried. When I went home for lunch I felt so bad for her I gave her some banana for a treat! lol
  • edited November -1
    Miko pooped out one of her molars a while back. It can be a little freaky but normal. Although I was told full set should be in by 6-9 months.
  • edited November -1
    Give her ice cubes and iced towels to chew on, Akira loved it when he was theeting it soothes them.
  • edited November -1
    Niko loved chewing on the frozen wash clothes.
  • edited November -1
    lol That's too cute :) I would've freaked too! ~
  • edited November -1
    Sometimes puppy teeth can break off before they are supposed to shed and leave a retained root. If she did that during rough play, it should be pushed out when the new tooth comes in or the vet can check it when she's spayed.
  • edited November -1
    Kuma was an early tooth popper. He started at about 4 months and had everything changed a bit before 6 months.
  • edited November -1
    Thanks guys! I think she lost the bottom tooth on the same side last night. Poor pup! hahaha (poor pup my foot! Everytime I think she's lost one I give her more banana or carrot! Honey's probably figured this out will naw on something to make the rest of her baby teeth come out! hahah)
  • edited November -1
    Watch, you are going to walk in and she will have a string tied to a door knob and her teeth...
  • edited November -1
    LMAO! Thanks Jess! I SOOOO needed that laugh right now. I'm at work and the Boss is being pretty unreasonable. Bummin me out ya know? That was RIGHT on time!!!!!
  • edited November -1
    When Niko got spayed they checked to make sure that there were no impacted teeth and pulled out the rest of her "baby" teeth. Come to find out they ended up pulling out an adult tooth and never told us and we didnt realize until it was too late.
    : (
  • edited November -1
    Oh my!!! Poor Niko!!! :(
  • edited November -1
    My poor defective puppy, missing tooth and scars on her nose...no one can tell me that she is theirs!
  • edited November -1
    ozzy lost two this week looks a bit gummy at the mo
  • edited November -1
    That's crappy they accidentally yanked her adult tooth.
  • edited November -1
    I hate it and there is no way I can do anything about it now.
    Thank goodness I never wanted to show her!
  • edited November -1
    Poor Honey!!! She's loosing teeth left and right!!! She seems to be in so much pain too! :( I've tried the frozen cloth thing and she didnt go for it. So I gave her carrots and apples and that seemed to get her through the last tooth coming out. At one point she was scratching at her teeth. It had me SOOO worried!!! Once she got this last one out she seemed to be okay. How long does this take??? omg. I dont think I can take a month of this! lol

    She DID seem to cuddle a bit more today. The more I worried about her the more she would come up to me and snuggle.
  • edited November -1
    She'll make it! Just keep giving her love :) [ & treats ;) ]~
  • edited November -1
    Nola has started dropping teeth, too. I tried to take a picture of the snaggle tooth last night, only one came out okay. I will have to post it when I get home from work. I gave her a frozen peanut butter kong when I went home for lunch. That seemed to take her mind off the pain for a bit. Although, I admit, I too am enjoying the cuddles of the teething Shiba. :) She is so sweet when she is sleeping or in pain. (How horrible am I?)
  • edited November -1
    Alrighty, I have the picture of the poor toothless Nola. (Sorry if it grosses anyone out...)


    And a picture of her after a tasty ice-cube in her crate. Please pay no mind to the hole in the dry-wall behind her... :-/

  • edited November -1
    Nola is so striking!
  • edited November -1
    Aww! Thanks, LJ. Even with her gummy mouth??? ;-)
  • edited November -1
    I love the gummy mouth and the puppy teeth!!
    She is too cute!
  • edited November -1
    Even with the gummy mouth!
  • edited November -1
    Cutie -- best of luck with the teething experience. Funny thing, I don't remember this part of Josephine's puppy life (nor Joe, our former dog). This too, shall pass, and be forgotten by dog and human? I'm assuming the dry wall hole was developed with the baby teeth? Good news is that the puppy chewing of everything in sight passes,too, eventually! (Well, I will admit I did find some strange chewed items in the middle of the living room floor when I got up -- aluminum foil was involved --- hummm... who could have done that!)
  • edited November -1
    Yeah I have a hard time remembering with Tsuki and it was only like 6 months ago?! It happened so fast and then bam, big snarly adult teeth! Bev is 100% right, this too shall pass and it will pass quickly! Enjoy the snuggles now! Next comes ADOLESCENCE!!!

    Nola is BEAUTIFUL!!!! We NEED more Bella/Nola spam pronto!
  • edited October 2008
    It's been a couple of weeks now that Sachi is loosing her teeth. Tonight my husband was playing with her with a stuff toy and she lost one of her molar. I took it right away, rinced it and I'll keep it as a memory. Is there a way to keep teeth intact? I remember when I used to keep my baby teeth, after a couple of years they were all broken up.
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