help! my shiba is scared of other dogs

So i was taking my two dogs for a walk around the block yesterday. I'm going past a house that has a black lab that is sitting at the door starring at us barking crazily. Then one of the kids comes and just opens the door like an idiot and the dog comes running towards us. My yorkipoo goes after him because she thinks she's a rottweiller. Then i look down at my little 12 week old Kiyoshi and he's crying trying to run away. So i scoop him up and the mom calls the dog and he goes back inside. This isn't the first time the dog has been out loose, they have 3 small kids and everyday one of them opens the door that should be locked and lets the crazy dog out. Last weekend some kids from around the block brought over their 16 week old terrior/hound dog and Kiyoshi was scared to go to the gate to greet him. He tried to run away wimpering. Do you guys think i should put him in a class to rid him of his fear or would him going to the dog park help. He just got his 2nd set of shots so i was planning to take him to the dog park this weekend but i don't know if that will make him worse. This morning there were two hugh racoons in the pond in our backyard that he went after with anger but he's scared of other dogs. Is this normal?


  • edited November -1
    Shyness in young Shibas is not abnormal. See what you can do about immediately getting him into a puppy socialization class at a reputable, positive reinforcement training center.

    Also if you have any friends with dogs that are UTD on shots, and good with other dogs, setup doggy play dates. Do what you can to keep all interactions with new dogs positive and upbeat. Obviously you cannot control all situations, but do what you can, as he needs to start having good, consistent interactions with other dogs.

    I would say he is not ready for the dog park yet, too overwhelming.
  • edited November -1
    I agree with Brandon. Especially on the socialization class and more importantly on the dog park thing. Aside from the potential for dogs with behavioral issues, dog parks are cesspools for all sorts of nasty things your dog can pickup. They are what my vet refers to a "high concentration" areas. No dog should be taken to a dog park until they FULLY vaccinated.

    Low-key controlled interaction with well behaved and fully vaccinated dogs is crucial to your puppy's development. At 12 weeks old, he should be just about getting over his first fear stage so I suspect you will see an improvement in the near future, but it won't go away by itself. You'll need to expose him to as many other dogs and people as you can during this vitally important early socialization phase. But be smart about it, a bad experience at this age can imprint fear that will be very difficult to overcome.
  • edited October 2008
    I completely agree with what Brandon **and Dave said.

    Perhaps you can research the difference between Coddling and Comforting your pup.
  • edited November -1
    I just got an 8 week old Shiba who is a spitfire and loves our other 10month old shiba, but when she sees another dog in the back yard she gets nervous. Im sure she will grow out of it as our Male Shiba did. He was afraid of other dogs at first, but after some good socialization, he LOVES all other dogs now and is not territorial at all. He just wants to PLAY with whomever will play with him.
  • edited November -1
    The fear stage is pretty common and as long as you take things slow (and follow the great advice already given above) he should be fine.

    One thing to keep in mind, when you pick your dog up when he's scared, it may seem you are protecting him but you are actually reinforcing his behaviour (i.e praising getting scared and trying to run away). Instead, step in front of your pup and block the other dog from him. This will not only protect him, but it will help show him that you are there to protect him. This will help him gain confidence and strengthen your bond with him...definately a good thing!
  • edited November -1
    I agree with all that is said. Just make sure that there is a controlled environment for socialization (like Brandon said no dog parks yet). You want to ensure that you assert confidence by trying your best to put him in as best of a situation as possible. When we got Niko our vet had a trainer doing puppy socialization classes so they can just play and get used to unfamiliar dogs.
  • edited November -1
    thanks for all the advice. how long should i wait before he can go to the dog park?
    i have another quick off topic question. i'm giving him Solid Gold puppy food right now but its so expensive. what do ya'll think of that versuses wellness or natural balance?
  • edited November -1
    I would wait a week after his last shots before taking him to the dog park.

    As for the food, Wellness is on par with Solid Gold, but I think Natural Balance is not quite as good. I know its rated highly, but their allergy diets did a number on Lucy. I don't think their quality control is what it should be.
  • edited November -1
    The biggest concern about dog parks at a young age is puppies dont know social etiquette yet and if they run into the wrong dog that over corrects you dont want damage to be done (Brad knows first hand the dangers in this). By going to a controlled environment you are able to allow your puppy to learn social cues in a safe place where others are there for the same reason. Often dog parks are unpredictable and can be a very scary and dangerous place for easily influenced puppies in their most formative stage.
    Now dont get me wrong, I love going to the dog park but with puppies I will stick to what I did with Niko (who I must say is one of the more socially rounded shiba's I have met). I started with small training classes, then doggy daycare where they ensure to keep a close eye on new and shy/fearful dogs and then dog parks...Just my opinion.
    Good luck! As we all know socializing a shiba is a very important and delicate process.
  • edited November -1
    This is all excellent advice. I couldn't offer any other except.....the dog park should be your puppy's very last area of socialization. Puppy classes are paramount in social development. When you do decide to take Kiyoshi to a dog park, I would suggest that you monitor him carefully as it can be a very scary place.

    You have a sweet little boy and I know that you want the very best for him. Good for you in reaching out to the Shiba parents here on the forum.
  • edited November -1
    Ditto.....on what Rachel, Dave, and Brandon have said. No dog parks just yet. Puppy primer classes are you best bet at a good training center. Socialization is first and foremost in a safe environment. "Safe" meaning that your pup can play with age appropriate dogs (same age and energy) that have also been vaccinated.

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