She just had to do it there...

edited October 2008 in General
I kept noticing a peculiar smell while sitting on my bed with my laptop. After a bit of investigating, I discovered a yellow stain right where I was sitting. If my nose hadn't been stuffed from a cold I would have noticed it earlier. Jan peed on my bed. It soaked my new mattress. I a bit mad at her right now, but I know it's my fault since the last time I walked her she didn't do anything.


  • edited November -1

    Of all the places ;) Just look at those cute eyes & all shall be forgotten. ~
  • edited November -1
    I feel your pain, Mylie spent a rebellious period of constantly peeing on the couch about a month ago... We cannot get rid if the smell, I'm so frustrated that I'm buying a new couch.
  • edited November -1
    Hahaha. "Jan peed on my bed." I think you got that wrong. She peed on her bed. ;-)
  • edited November -1
    Oh no! That is so not cool! Im not going to laugh because I dont want to curse myself like the jerks above! : P
  • edited November -1
    At least it wasn't cat pee.

    Also a mattress can be cleaned with bleach, because it's always covered with a sheet and no one can see the big ugly bleach stain.
  • edited October 2008
    That reminds me of a guest at a hotel that we were looking to purchase. That hotel happened to be one of the most haunted hotels in America. This particular guest had checked in and was ghost hunting. Later that evening, he was spotted trying to gain access to some of the "hot spots." We had to tell him to stop or else we'd call the cops. Though he was scheduled to stay for 3 nights, he left on the first.

    He came running to the front desk, pale and sweaty with his luggage poorly packed (clothes sticking out of it). Without even entering the lobby, he screamed "Screw this place! I'm checking out!" He threw his room keys onto the floor and then said "Sorry, my dog pee'd on your bed."

    By the following morning, everyone had heard about the incident and were laughing about it. You see, there was no dog! Obviously, this guy didn't have to leave the room to find what he was looking for :p.

    edit: Thank goodness for bed condoms! That would've been a Tempur-pedic mattress down the drain.
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