Tsuki Video!

edited October 2008 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
Tsuki post getting a taste of bitter apple spray :)

Tsuki fetching in grandmomma's yard.


  • edited November -1
    I think my favorite part of the bitter spray video is when you say sorry.
  • edited November -1
    Poor girl just can't get that taste out of her mouth. She gets around really well with her cone on.
  • edited November -1
    hehe yup Brandon, that video could've gone on for another 10 min :) Luckily her allergy testing is all done and her meds are kicking in. The cone can probably come off today or tomorrow! Im so excited for her.
  • edited November -1
    OMG that is so funny! Made us reminensce(sp?) when Niko got her first taste.
  • edited November -1
    LMAO. Love that first video!
  • edited November -1
    so cute! Unfortunately, our dogs seem to love bitter apple.... grr
    in the second video, she looks very Happy!
  • edited November -1
    Such an adorable girl! I haven't used the bitter apple spray yet (luckily) but Im sure it will be just as funny when Miso and Sake get their first taste!
  • edited November -1
    I agree with Brandon, she gets around great with that cone on. Mine always bumped into stuff and got it caught on the grass. I like the purple, it suits her. :-)
  • edited November -1
    Poor Tsuki! She is NOT a fan of the bitter apple. Bella loved it. Not sure how Nola will react though.

    I am so glad to see that she is up and running after the ball! And glad to hear that her meds are starting to kick in. She has the sweetest face. She deserves to be itch free. :)
  • edited November -1
    She does seem to get around well with the cone in the second video, but the first one was such shiba schadenfreude. Her face was priceless.
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