not the smartest idea...

edited October 2008 in General
About 9 months ago I signed up for a half marathon. Training for it was a big influence behind me looking into adopting a dog (though there are also many others). Unfortunately, work has become so crazy that the last decent run I logged was about a month ago. Yesterday I SLOWLY made my way through the half marathon. I now have a couple blisters and a very sore body to show for my lack of preparation. I am also painfully aware how lonely 13 miles can be by yourself!! I can't wait until I get a position with less travel!


  • edited November -1
    You just need some dog licks for those blisters!
    Hope you feel better. Put your feet up!
  • edited November -1
    great job! i know that takes a lot of hard work.
  • edited November -1
    Thanks to you both!
    I just would have been nice to do a better job.
    Rachael: I wish I had dog licks for the blisters - or at least to go with me! All in time though...
  • edited November -1
    hooray for finishing! I ran a half a year ago and you should be so proud just to have run your first half :) Here's to many more!
  • edited November -1
    Think of this as your starting point - when I first starting walking again (I used to run, but I've had some knee,ankle, etc. issues), I couldn't do a mile without thinking I was dying. Before my latest injury, I was doing 3 miles a day comfortably. My goal is to do a 10K in under an hour - may not seem like much to some, but for me that would be huge. Now, you are in a position to have your baseline time and pain and an easier way to mark when you surpass these points in the future.
  • edited November -1
    That's awesome Amber!

    One of my reasons for wanting a dog is also to have a companion for my daily walks :) Though, I've always wanted a dog since I was little and it's just the one thing I've never had, hence why it is my current ambition. ;)~
  • edited November -1
    Amber: Congrats on the half-marathon, and good for you for finishing even though runnning "alone". I have walked 3 full marathons and 1 half marathon. Lots of time and effort getting ready, whether walking or running! Applaud yourself -- you deserve it!
  • edited November -1
    Thank you all for your support and encouragement!

    baanton - "3 full marathons" - that's great! I can't imagine!! Hopefully I'll get there someday!

    LJ - thanks - I was always involved in athletics while I was in school, and I think I just took being in shape for granted. It was about a year ago I noticed a few red flags, like shortness of breath, which gave me a reality check. Learning to push myself for myself and not for the team or the coach is a new experience. (and if you would have seen me 9 months ago, a 10K in under 3 would have been amazing!!)
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