tear stains

edited October 2008 in General
what can i do to get rid of the tear stains my shiba has?

another off topic question is when can i start clipping his nails. they are dangerous, my hands and arms can't take anymore. he is 14 weeks old.


  • edited November -1
    tear stains - you should find out why he's getting them - most times its an allergy cause - my shiba got runny boogs from food with corn/wheat/soy in it. Ask the vet, and in the meantime just warm wash cloth to clean.

    do his nails need to be clipped - if they have enough 'buffer' space between the end of his nail and the quick - i don't see why you can't start trimming them.
  • edited November -1
    thanks, all his nails are black and i can't see any quick. should i get a professional to do them or is there something else to look for?
    about the tears, he doesn't have any boogies ever. it just gets wet for some reason. i'm taking him to the vet in a couple of weeks for his rabbies shot. i'll ask then.
  • edited November -1
    Have the vet cut his nails at the appt, thats what we do for Hachi - she has black nails and they are very hard to judge.
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