whats in a name????

edited November 2008 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
hi all
my first of many questions...
is our breed pronounced Shiba in you! or Shiba inooo.?? i hope you get the gist of how i am trying to spell the two different sounds. lol


  • edited November -1
    I pronounce
    E new
  • edited November -1
    I am the same as LJ. Sheeba Enew
  • edited November -1
    thanks ladies at least i can now tell people the real pronunciation, even though most people where i live have never heard of a Shiba, they think i have tamed a fox!!!
  • edited November -1
    LOL this is a good question. I pronounce it E New like the others here....but my husband would say....Sheeba In you. lol OMG! Drove me NUTS! HAHAHAH
  • edited November -1
    My mom calls them Sheeboo Enews. It's quite funny actually.
  • edited November -1
    BTW, I have since corrected the hubby of this unexceptable behavior! lol
  • edited November -1
    LOL. The girl at obedience training calls them Shiba Oh No's! I told her that was about right. :)
  • edited November -1
    One girl asked me if Sake was a miniature Husky and I said no she is a Shiba Inu, and the girl was like, Oh...I like Sheba Ishnu's too.
  • edited November -1
    LOL I think it's SO FUNNY when people ask me what Honey is.....then say...."Oh yeah! I had one of those before." Um......I doubt that! I dont think anyone could "Forget" having a Shiba!
  • edited November -1
    its nothin like "E NEW"... Reading Japanese in English alphabets is called Romaji and its really similar to reading Hawaiian... You have to separate vowels when you read Shiba Inu... Shi ba i nu.. And no sound gets elongated.. Inu is two separate parts. First the I which is somewhat like a really short e sound... Its pronounced more like the I in "it".. and the NU is more like the first sound in "noon".. again its a short sound and it doesnt get stretched at the end. Think of the work "noon" as NUUUUUN and cut it off at NU..? haha I hope this helps... Not really good at explaining things...
  • edited November -1
    and the word SHIBA is the same way... No part of this word should be stretched out like sheeeba... SHI BA... Shi is somewhat like youre telling someone SHHH but again, cut it short and ended at SH and add a i from "it" at the end... Ba is pretty self explanatory... You ight sound like a robot at first but smooth it out without stretching the vowels, and you got it..
  • edited November -1
    The pronunciation is pretty close to "e-new" if you put it in English-speaking terms. The "i" sound is like "ee" and nu is like "noo", which is close to the word new. As long as "new" is not being said like "nyew" then it's very close to the "correct" pronunciation. I wonder if I could use any more quotation marks in a single post. :)
  • edited November 2008
    Pretty sure I told this story once... but the lady at the grooming place we went to called Keiko a "Shiba Emo" ... /sigh

    I also say E New
  • edited November -1
    I once interviewed a daycare place where the lady claimed to be familiar with the "Sheeboo emu". I left immediately.

    Kristin: ...corrected the hubby of this unexceptable... unacceptable is probably closer to what you meant. :-P (Sorry, couldn't help myself :-)).
  • edited November 2008
    You don't really have to say "inu" though. Inu means "dog" in Japanese, so arguably, Shiba is the actual breed name. Some people will say a Shiba Inu Dog, which is essentially saying a Shiba Dog Dog ;)

    Here is a link to a voice clip on how it's pronounced. Though it's a bit robotic sounding :)


    柴犬 Shiba Inu :) ~
  • edited November -1
    Dave that was Katie, not me! :P
  • edited November 2008

    I say Shiba to people who ask. its easier, one word, heard before, done.

    When I do pronounce the entire word, I do it as LJ does.
  • edited November -1
    Um........LOL. Yeah..That's what I meant to type! LMBO
  • edited November -1
    Katie was just testing Dave!
    I am with all thee above...or as we like to pronounce it..."Little Shit"
  • edited November -1
    HA HA Rachel...that is hysterical. I think I have used that term of endearment more than once when talking to my Shiba's!
  • edited November 2008
    Ooooh. My bad Kristin. Kinda sad when you make a mistake while correcting someone. *looks embarrassed*
  • edited November -1
    Ah! I actually tell some people that the literal translation is "little shit". They don't always get it, and it probably sounds mean, but it's sooo true sometimes.
  • edited November -1
    CommentAuthordlouisroberts CommentTime9 minutes ago edited
    Ooooh. My bad Kristin. Kinda sad when you make a mistake while correcting someone. *looks embarrassed*

    LOL. Dont feel bad....happens to the best of us! HAHAH
  • edited November -1
    I need better descriptors for a Shiba Inu because I often get people saying they've never heard of this Japanese breed and the best I can say is it's like a small Akita (grossly wrong I know).

  • edited November -1
    LOL That's the SAME THING we end up saying because most people have at least HEARD of the Akita. But then I usually end up saying....."google Nihon Ken" lol
  • edited November -1
    Where I come from they call Shibas, ShibaKen and Akitas, AkitaKen... I guess it doesnt really matter how you pronunce it.. If the other person asking, needs to ask, I doubt they'll correct you or even know the correct pronunciation... So yeah as long as its not emu or emo, it probably wont matter. well i still disagree that it sounds like E-NEW or EE NEW but most people cant even pronounce "sake" or "sushi" right anyways so I don't think it makes a difference, its not like you're in Japan anyways...

    I lived in Japan for the first 10 years of my life and until I left my prefecture, I didn't even know that some people called them Shiba Inu or Akita Inu.. haha.. Where I was raised, we called them Shiba Ken and Akita Ken.. the word 犬 can be read as inu or ken... yeah us Japanese people like to make everything harder than it should be....
  • edited November 2008
    I read somewhere that Ken is more ... like a 'local' word, where Inu is more generalized. I dunno.

    I guess people who live in Japan would say Ken, while 'outsiders' would say Inu. But, either way, you can say Ken or Inu, both are correct.

    I pronounce it as In new or sometimes as enew.
  • edited November -1
    Kaddy (Evan?) -

    "the lady at the grooming place we went to called Keiko a "Shiba Emo" ... /sigh"
    Did you tell her Keiko is not allowed near eyeliner nor a staightener?
  • edited November -1
    The pronunciation issue is the one reason I have a hang up on naming my future Nihon Ken a Japanese name. I am afraid I will go around constantly mispronouncing it!
  • edited November -1
    Lol Amber - I also told her I don't want Keiko to have the long-cover-the-eyes-side-part hair :oD

    I also had concerns that naming our puppy a Japanese name would suck if we didn't know what we were saying, but somewhere on Google I managed to find a site that had recordings... I'll have to try to dig that up!
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