Long time no see (leo) SPAM

edited November 2008 in General
Hi all its been a few months sorry been so busy not been on the forum for a while...hope everyone is great...Leo is doing just fine i recently started to walk him on my dog walks with the pack (i walk dogs for a living) he gets on so well with them all so im glad he goes nuts he is quite good off the lead i know shibas aren't really meant to be off the lead but he seems fine with the pack and its all countryside and woodland where i walk them all but ill be keeping a close eye on him he goes back on the lead every wee while so he knows and he does really well..i fear one day he will chase something and not come back but he is on the lead a fare bit too but its good to let him run wild for a while..Im going to get him neutured soon i think he is pushing on around 8 months now but only has one testicle:( vet may have to do a special opp as its not dropped yet...it doesnt seem to bother leo though so thats good..i was just recenly in new york and miami amazing holidays i was hunting for shibas i never saw any in miami but i think i saw one in new york it was very cute.. here are some pics of my monky..there is one with him and a leonberger the size difference is mad huh
Chat to you all soon

J xx

Thats Leo been neutured this morning...he is not his happy little self :( which is understandable..he is still groggy from the anesthetic what did all your shibas do after castration, just lie around? ive given him lots of cuddles he loves a good neck scratch he could let me do that all day...he has to go back for a check up on wed..miss my leo hate seeing him like this:( poor sod..


  • edited November 2008
    he looks good! he reminds me a lot of our B&T friend Deshi - he has the same face, perfect markings! love it!
  • edited November -1
    he is a handsom devil aint he! :D
  • edited November -1
    Very adorable!
  • edited November -1
    Jakki - good to have you back! The pics are really cute!
  • edited November -1
    He looks very happy to be playing in the mud! :) Great pictures.
  • edited November -1
    Good to hear from you!

    The size difference with the Leonberger is awesome.
  • edited November -1
    He looks great, nice to see you back on the forum! :o)
  • edited November -1
    Too cute!

    The leonberger looks like he could eat him lol ~
  • edited November -1
    Welcome back, and thanks for sharing the pics. The Leo is a cutie, for sure! Love the one of him and the Leonberger--- amazing these wonderful creatures can come in so many sizes, yet they are the same species and all, large, small and in-between enrich our lives so much...
  • edited November -1
    Thats Leo been neutured this morning...he is not his happy little self :( which is understandable..he is still groggy from the anesthetic what did all your shibas do after castration, just lie around? ive given him lots of cuddles he loves a good neck scratch he could let me do that all day...he has to go back for a check up on wed..miss my leo hate seeing him like this:( poor sod..
  • edited November -1
    It took Miso a day to get back to normal after the meds and everything wore off. Just keep up with the love, Leo will be back to Shiba in no time!
  • edited November -1
    yeah Leo will bounce, give him a day or so then just take it easy for a week.
  • edited November -1
    He will bounce back he just needs some time to get the chemicals out of his system. Make sure he has plenty of water to flush his system and don't let him spring around too much when he thinks he is feeling better. Yep.....Keep him calm for at least a week.

    Give him a hug!
  • edited November -1
    Poor sod!!! he kept annoying his wound and his stitches and scarring started to go red a throb so which resulted in this....he is taking it rather well!! although he has an even bigger one now..
  • edited November -1
    Poor guy!

    He is such a handsome Black and Tan, though! Beautiful markings. :)
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