Oh No! A Shiba on TMZ!



  • edited November -1
    A part of me says the dog would be better off if it ran off...


  • edited February 2009
    Tosca has a similar collar; they're just for ID and there really isn't any way to successfully attach a leash and expect the dog, especially one of those crafty shibas, to still be at the end of it when you're done. I also have to confess - I carry Tosca around the house sometimes. She seems to like all the hugs she gets and she doesn't mind. I have to say that a full-grown shiba is strictly a two-arm job if they are to feel at all content. That little sweet heart doesn't look too happy in the arm of that vapid twerp.
  • edited November -1
    Her finger is wedged in the poor pups third eye. No wonder he looks a little put off. Was she shopping or planning to do errands? Or was she just showing off the dog? I ask because it's impossible to do things other than walk while holding a dog like that.
  • edited November -1
    Interesting little update on Kelly Osbourne - it appears that she's on the new cast for Dancing with the Stars...wonder if we'll see her shiba?
  • edited November -1
    All I have to say is I am sick of any type of hype that causes any animal to be purchased because of a fad, be it 101 Dalmatians or the Easter bunny. People should be responsible and think before they purchase.
  • edited November -1
    I must say I'm worried about the new movie and this new trend. I don't want to see lots of mistreated, misunderstood akitas/shibas on the streets and then in rescue. :(

    Someone mentioned she was buying from Pet Stores, is that confirmed does anyone know?
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