is my shiba a nut case?

is there something wrong with my shiba. i'm in the kitchen trying to eat and all of a sudden he goes into one of his crazy spells and starts freaking out. Please excuse the video quality, i took it with my phone.


  • edited November -1
    so you are in the kitchen holding food (grabs shibas attention), he's tethered (he's frustrated), you eat (he wants) and you are looking at him (frustrating him more) with the camera (he wants to check it out). AND he's a puppy (full, and I mean FULL of energy all the time)...

    whenever people say they have a 'crazy dog', i have to ask -> how much exercise did he have before his last nap? in the last few hours? in the last day? week?
  • edited November -1
    we had just came in the house from our jog and he had a few treats prior also. He gets crazy every night around this time. it doesn't matter if food is around or not. i think he likes his "alone time"
  • edited November -1
    I dont' think it's crazy...I think its normal dog behavior. He is play i'm assuming he wants to play. My dogs get spurts of energy all the time. Regardless how much exercise they have gotten. Something inside them just wants to come out so they'll start doing 500's or go after a toy like it's the greatest thing ever. Especially after baths - my dogs go idea why...they just do. Then 10 minutes later...they are fine and usually take a nap.

    I don't think you have anything to be worried about...he seems like a happy puppy to me.
  • edited November -1
    Sounds like typical Shiba drama to me. For all the reasons Jen pointed out above, his world is "coming to an end". :-)

    I always joke that when my Shibas aren't freaking out, I get worried that something is wrong with them. Its not entirely a joke though, there's an element of truth to it.
  • edited November 2008
    Tosca is 5 years old and she still needs at least one random play session a day. It looks like normal puppy "I want to be over there, not over here" behavior to me.

    Funny sidenote: Tosca is angry with me now because I played your video and it woke her up. She's sending me dirty looks. I liked your video though.
  • edited November -1
    He looks like a wonderful little ball of energy to me, He just wants you to stop what your doing, let him loose and come play with him!

    Boo was very concerned about the video noise to lol : )
    He wanted to find and play with the puppy he cant figure out that its in my laptop not in the house. Silly Pitty
  • edited November -1
    Spurts of insane energy will be a staple in your life now. You can count on a crazy outburst every day from now on, lol. Mika will get hyper and start running around the room and under the bed, sliding everywhere on the hardwood. Then she will go crazy on all of her toys, one at a time. She is vocal but not as vocal as your pup. She barks only when super-excited but she will play-growl/groan/shiba howl quite often. I agree with everyone that you have nothing to worry about. Your Shiba was just saying hi.
  • edited November -1
    i read in one of my shiba books that pups go through a fear stage around 4-8 months old. i think mine must be doing that sometimes he'll just start acting scared when i walk by his crate. he'll start trying to bite my feet or hands with a little anger. then he'll try to run and sit in a corner in his crate. when i go to try to take his leash off he'll try to attack me. When he tries to bite me it hurts but i can tell he isn't biting hard because he is starring at me but i can tell he is afraid of something. any help on how to stop this behavior or do i need to get a professional?
  • edited November -1
    he is a puppy with a ton of energy and the desire to be at the front and center of your attention at all times. He is trying to instigate you into playing with him the only way he knows how - by acting like a puppy.
  • edited November -1
    if you're that concerned with your puppies behavior - hire a professional. You can never go wrong in getting advice and feedback from a pro. It is hard to explain things online through words, so we may just all be painting a different picture than what is really happening.
  • edited November -1
    Hmmm, that's interesting about the biting and attacking. Mika is around 4 months old and she hasn't displayed any of the fear symptoms you describe above. Hiring a professional is never a bad idea. Especially if you're that concerned and care like you seem to. I'm sure someone will have a better answer than me but I don't see any reason not to hire someone to at least take a look.
  • edited November -1
    Sake attacks my hands sometimes, but I think it's more of a play thing.
  • edited November -1
    Ditto on what others have said. Get a professional to help you and take your boy to puppy class, if you have not. He will be a lot calmer and maybe won't have to tie him. BTW If you are going to tie him he should be tied to you and go where you go in the house. The purpose of tying so you can reach him quickly if you need to. If you have him with you he will probably be less frustrated.

  • edited November -1
    biting and running away sounds like an invitation to get your attention and/or play and "chase" (hence why he's running away). But if he's going to the corner of his crate, it's as if he's anticipating punishment and going directly to where he knows he'll be rewarded. I've usually given doggie timeout to Ichi in his crate after he's been too much to handle and I need to cool off before I lash out. Maybe your dog is just considering the whole episode as one big game?

    My own dog has also "mouthed" my wrists while I'm trying to take off his harness. I usually don't pay any mind to it but do reprimand him on occaision if it's too strong a bite/mouthing.

    And I echo what others have said, a behaviorist wouldn't hurt if you can afford it.

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