Southeast Reputable Shiba Breeder

edited November 2008 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)

In case you missed my intro, my name is Joe.

I have been an Akita and a Yorkie, both of which I absolutely adore. I would like to expand my family with a Shiba Inu.

I have been in search of a breeder for the past few months and I have been lurking around the forums for about a month.

I live in Florida and a good Shiba Inu breeder here is hard to find in this state. I used the search feature and found Shogun Kennels in South Carolina and have sent them an email. I am waiting a response as well.

My question is: who are some reputable breeders in the southeast? I read somewhere that word of mouth is the best form of advertisement when finding breeders.

I am wiling to drive as far as Virginia for a companion. I might as well do a little skiing as well :)

Thank you all for all the help you have given me when choosing the Shiba Inu.


  • edited November -1
    I have heard about a good breeder here in GA but I cant recall the name. Akobelt has a dog from them, LJ may know also. I kindly suggest to stay away from showboat from personal experiences, they are in GA also. Im glad you are not set on just your state, being willing to travel is a great thing in finding the better breeders.
  • edited December 2008
    Thank you all for your responses! They are very helpful.

    I also was considering showboat, then I did research and will stay away from them, like you all said :)

    Any more help wil be greatly appreciated. How is your shiba from Wynhaven? I'll look into Kim Bartow as well :)

    edt: Shogun replied and told me they do not have a regular vet because she gives them all the vaccinations... Is this common?
  • edited November -1
    Hey Joe!

    I have heard of breeders giving their pups the vaccinations...I haven't really heard anything about it, since I never met a breeder who does it - just heard about it. I would be a bit wary...I would prefer the breeder to have a vet they go to - so that when they do get their shots, they can get a little physical done as well to make sure everything is ok.

    Would you mind having the pup shipped to you? Or are you pretty set on picking up the pup yourself?
  • edited November -1
    Hmm do they live in a secluded area? I know some people who do their own vaccinations because they live so far away from the closest vet and they have so many animals it'll be a week long job if they brought them all in just for vaccinations.
  • edited November -1
    romi- I just wanted to see the facility, meet the breeder, and actually match our personalities so we can be as happy as possible. I also have a lot of vacation hours that I need to use, so I'll be planning on staying at the ski resort of wherever the breeder is located.

    by the way, my Akita's name is Ninja too!

    okiron- you bring up a valid point. They are located in a small town outside of Rockhill, SC. I'm going to ask a few more questions. The reson why I wanted the Vet's name so bad was because I wanted to ask someone's opinion of the breeder, as well as the overall health.

  • edited November -1
    You could ask for references from previous buyers? :)
  • edited November -1
    I didn't think of that. Great suggestion! I will certainty do that!

    I did a google search on Kim Bartow and was unsuccessful . Any help would be much appreciated.

    Thanks again!

  • edited November -1
    Many breeders of all breeds will vaccinate their litters with at least 1 vaccine before going home (at the bare minimum you should expect a puppy parvo vax to have been done at 6 weeks). It also depends on what age the pups leave. The vaccines can be purchased from feed stores in refrigerated trays and it's cheaper for breeders with multiple dogs to do their own, and not harmful usually. They should keep good records if they do their own. However, as far as I know, Rabies vaccine must be given by a vet (in Oregon, Wash, Idaho, Montana at least) but some breeders will give it to their personal adult dogs as an added measure, knowing it isn't "legal", but just for protection from wild animals. There should be a regular vet that each breeder uses, ideally, as a reference for medical issues, like changes in vaccine protocol, and who knows their animals. No breeder, unless they are a vet, is able to diagnose and treat everything that comes along- that's where we run into "kennel dogs" with all these untreated issues and parvo because a breeder doesn't want to put the money into them. Hopefully you find some good breeders that will provide you with lots of info and help.
  • edited November -1
    There are wonderful breeders in PA. I would ask for breeder referrals and i agree with you when it comes to checking out the facility, there is a women in Epherta, Pa who has an amzing facility with beautiful dogs, she breeds goldens and shiba inus.
  • edited November -1
    I actually got my Shiba from the lady in Ephrata, PA. Though, Toby is 10-12 lbs over standard and ginormous.
    She does take great care of her dogs, but I think one of the best PA breeders is Rodel Shibas. I've never been there, but their breeding program is extremely exclusive and small, and they rarely have litters. They also imported a Shiba from Japan. :) And all their dogs looks so amazingly beautiful. :D

    While I think that Toby's breeder was amazing, she does have a ton of dogs, and almost always has puppies available. Which some people might not like?
    If I ever get Toby another Shiba friend, i'll either rescue, or look into Rodel Shibas.
  • edited November -1
    Thank you for the great info! I saw the most beautiful Shiba about a month ago at an outdoor art show. I asked her about breeders ad she discouraged me from Florida breeders and said she got hers from Pennsylvania. I wonder which kennel.
  • edited November -1
    That is funny that she would discourage you from an entire state, especially seeing as Pennsylvania is infamous for having so many puppy mills*

    *Please note, I am not saying that all breeders in PA are puppy mills.
  • edited November -1
    puppy mills are a horrible thing here in PA but, this Lady in Epherata has an amazing system and all the dogs are beautiful and very very very pricey!!!! $800-$2000
  • edited November -1
    I don't think $2000 is too much to pay for a well-bred dog :( ~
  • edited December 2008
    In Pennsylvania, Missouri and Ohio you really have to be very picky about the breeders you work with, as in other states I am sure (I tell many people to steer clear of certain breeders that I've come to know in other states as well). I am a lifetime citizen of Pennsylvania and have worked with enough rescues to know that you have to be very aware and very picky.

    *But I guess you've settled on a breeder already, right?
  • edited December 2008
    not exactly. I've been emailing everyone and have been filtering out those who just want my money.

    I ead somewhere that word of mouth advertisement on various breeders is the best. I'm going to the Akita dog show and ask around as well.

    The hard part is actually finding these lucrative breeders. I read somewhere that the best breeders do not need to use advertisement. I have emailed probably 15 people in FL, three in GA, 4 in SC, and a few from various other places and rescue centers... I even shot an email to two breeders in NY and NJ... Icewindfarms is weird...

    I cannot find any info on Kim Bartow... I would very much like to hear what she has to say.

    It feels like I'm looking for colleges and applying :)

  • edited November -1
    Please stay away from Ice Wind Farms.
  • edited November -1
    I know. It felt like they were trying to sell me a car. They were also selling faults like they are something rare and special.

  • edited November -1
    Joe, what Akita show? Care to share :)

    & I second Rina on Icewinds, please, please stay away.~
  • edited November -1
    Joe - I'm working on getting the info on Kim. I'll email Amber directly.
  • edited December 2008
    It's mostly word of mouth for the good breeders, a few have websites, but usually their reputation precedes them.

    Ice Wind Farms has Hanzo advertised on their puppy page, did he come from them?
  • edited November -1
    ... Icewinds is selling/breeding Minshi Puppies ( Mini Pinscher/Shiba Inu )? Seriously?
    Yeah, that's when things cross the line.
  • edited November -1
    I assume we don't like to mention specific breeders on these forums, but I can say that if you are contacting breeders in PA, there are two that seem to be on the up-and-up, insofar as they don't talk about puppies unless you ask them, and then they will tell you that they want you to visit them.

    Regarding the price of a puppy, it's like I was telling my wife the other day... :D :D :D :D

    It's a one-time expense. After you've brought the puppy to your home, the expense of keeping him or her for a happy lifetime is going to be in the same general range no matter where you got the pup from.
  • edited November -1
    argh, I checked the event on the Akita dog show and it already passed. I sent to the website and checked the events. It's weird how they set up their calenders.
  • edited November -1
    I asked Karen, former manager of Ice Winds, to advertise Hanzo as a time pressed last resort because it is getting his face out there. No one has contacted me yet though. Hanzo was a local stray, not from ice winds (that I know of). I once did her a favor, and she is returning it by getting the info on Hanzo out there.

    Anya (new manager of Ice Winds) is purposely breeding for 'pocket shibas' and she is now selling MinShis, which she bred on purpose. They are not reputable breeders anymore, but they used to be until Anya (the 'beauty queen') took over the business. I have a love-hate working relationship with the founder of Ice Winds, and while I'd never refer them to anyone, I'm not going to be making additional negative comments for Karen's sake (the founder).
  • edited November -1
    I also ran into a well known breeder recently here in Washington who was discussing her intentions of breeding Mame shibas (pocket shibas) "because they'll sell better". Sigh.
    The Pageant pictures of Anya and the many, many shiba pups for sale make sense now. I don't understand how someone can be a "manager" of pets like a in business, but I will let it rest per your wishes and for Hanzo.
  • edited November -1
    Alright, well I'd like to say that my communication with both Riverwind and Rodel's ( and have been very positive. Neither kennel does a lot of breedings and they seem interested in keeping a Japanese standard, fow what that's worth to you.
  • edited December 2008
    Sorry, Zinja, I thought you had posted something about expecting a pup in a few weeks! I'm glad you are putting this much research into it!

    Is New York state too far for you? Or Ohio?

    Lindsay: You can voice whatever opinions you have, I agree that their current practices are just mindblowing and completely frustrating. I just don't want anything further said to be from me on this public format. Like I said, and I told Karen, I cannot refer them as a reputable breeder to anyone, nor can i endorse the breeders that have a partnership with them (2 that I know of in other states). As word of mouth and education are the two most powerful advantages when researching something so important like a reputable breeder, the way I see it - they are burning themselves by losing respect of shiba rescues and fanciers by their practices.
  • edited December 2008
    ^^ Actually,

    no, New York is not too far from me. We are going on a last minute road trip to see my grandmother who currently lives in upper New Jersey. I want to check out the New York Shiba Inu Rescue there as well. I have e-mailed them and they sent one of their representatives to my house to see if it was suitable for rescuing a Shiba. The only downside is I have cats and the current dogs were not socialized with cats well, so bringing a dog from New York to Florida just to find out it will be terrorizing my kitties is kinda frightening.


    edit: I wish this trip was in stone... Knowing my family, we will probably change plans. We already canceled our ski trip to TN :(
  • edited November -1
    check out

    also, try asking NYC shiba rescue for a breeder referral. I believe the president of the group has a shiba from an excellent NY breeder
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