How strong is your shibas jaws?

edited December 2008 in General
A few days ago Orion got hold of a chicken bone while outside, I tried to take it from him but he was locked down on it and wasn't going to let go. I was pulling on it while trying to get him to open up and then it broke off leaving half in his mouth and I was afraid he would try to swallow it, I was able to get a finger in his mouth to try and flick it out but he clamped down again, I thought he was going to break my finger, finally got it and the bone out and no broke skin either. He has some pretty powerful jaws for a small dog!!


  • edited December 2008
    You're a brave person for sticking your finger in your dog's mouth when he's determined to eat something without any incentive to drop it (unless you trained him to). I'm glad both of you came out of it relatively unscathed!

  • edited November -1
    Not that I suggest any of you do this because it can damage the dogs teeth, but Beebe will "go get it"-an object like a rope or towel or dumbbell, and then "hold it" while I give her some resistance. She has come completely off the ground before while holding her object (I don't want her to hurt herself so I tell her "off" before it gets that far now). The bite strength from such a small dog is amazing. This is just to get her used to holding her dumbbell in her mouth so she doesn't drop it whenever she wants in the ring.
  • edited November -1
    I agree with jesse. Orion doesn't seemed to be trained for fishing in her mouth. I have two Akita and know (and have) that I can put my hand in Mika or Keigo's searching for bones and whatnot without any repercussions.
  • edited November -1
    Pong Pong has a very tight grip on bones and towels. However, with toys and human hands, she's more relaxed about it and will allow people to get it from her mouth.
  • edited November -1
    I call him Jaws lol
  • edited November -1
    When I have to force something out of a dog's mouth I put my hand under their jaw, palm up, and use my finger and thumb to push the cheeks between their teeth. They always let go because if they don't, they will be biting their own cheeks.

    I've been bitten accidentally by Tojo when he was going for a toy in my hand and he leaves a pretty good chomp. You want to talk strong jaws, though... Rakka... she can break pretty much anything instantly and chewed through a pretty thick rope leash almost instantly. I had attached her to a pole, turned my back, and when I looked back she was free. She also managed to eat the bone part of a marrow bone even though they're not supposed to be able to.
  • edited November -1
    I normally don't put my fingers in his mouth like that, but I was really afraid he would choke on the bone. hondru, that is how I do him most of the time when he won't give something up. I have trained to "drop it" when it is something like a twig, an acorn leaf, he will drop it. but when it's something to eat, he is determined to keep he won't obey me. You know how stubborn they can be. But he does have good mouthing control when we play, he won't clamp down on my hands or anything like that, somtimes he will get me if I get my fingers in the way, but useually it's my fault.
  • edited November -1
    Kelly - that's how they want you to think! "Sorry-muf mommff-ff your fingers got stuck in my moufff' Then they get you at the end with the innocent 'who told you to put ur fingers in my mouth' look
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