I showed Errik the pictures and clips and he's in love. He got giddy like a schoolgirl when I told him that you don't live too far away. Once she gets more settled we might just have to come by and bug you for puppy kisses lol.
Corina--- so thought you'd become the "international gadfly" and just "run off to Japan and find a dog"! Cute introduction to a cute puppy! What a beautiful doggie you picked! Thanks for sharing the videos and the pics --- love the variation on "how much is that doggie "coming in" the window"! Very cute!
Word out - I'm going to Japan next year and not planning on coming back with another pup. So...if anyone thinks they are ready for a Shikoku puppy by then...-trails off-
So today...yeah...I let these two play together but I think they are too much -grins-. You can get a pretty good size comparison between then two, I think.
Hey Corina (sorry, I get so confused with real names around here), Love the videos! Well one things for sure with these videos, Kotomi is a climber! Good lord she's a persistant bugger. She'll climb just to get on as equal a footing as she can with Kei.
Steph - Thanks...it WAS my bed and MY sheets but it somehow the dog's took over all my "cool" stuff.
Dave - Kei keeps wrapping his entire mouth around Kotomi (he does this to Molly - Min Pin/Chihuahua/Other mix - too). He's being (surprisingly) gentle but he holds them down and the pups aren't always too fond of this. Sometimes they "squeal", so he can be a bit "too much". I have to monitor and then "step in" when it gets too crazy.
Jesse - It's okay, I also go by "Rina" and "Rin", the shorten version of my name. So, you are right either way! -pets Jesse-
Romi - I might be free this Saturday...if it isn't raining, maybe you can over! lol. Or we can go out and I'll bring Komi-chan.
Watch out Corina, I will SO take you up on your puppy offers next year because I will have ROOM then! :P I would go to Japan too...I love that country.
Congrats ~
So today...yeah...I let these two play together but I think they are too much -grins-. You can get a pretty good size comparison between then two, I think.
Yeah...I can only come back with maybe 2 pups per trip.
I'll start up another topic for this. Right now, I'm gonna make a Ginger Bread house!
By the way, love the Pokemon + Lion King bedsheets.
Two best things in the world.
BTW, what were you correcting at the end of the first video?
Love the videos! Well one things for sure with these videos, Kotomi is a climber! Good lord she's a persistant bugger. She'll climb just to get on as equal a footing as she can with Kei.
Dave - Kei keeps wrapping his entire mouth around Kotomi (he does this to Molly - Min Pin/Chihuahua/Other mix - too). He's being (surprisingly) gentle but he holds them down and the pups aren't always too fond of this. Sometimes they "squeal", so he can be a bit "too much". I have to monitor and then "step in" when it gets too crazy.
Jesse - It's okay, I also go by "Rina" and "Rin", the shorten version of my name. So, you are right either way! -pets Jesse-
Romi - I might be free this Saturday...if it isn't raining, maybe you can over! lol. Or we can go out and I'll bring Komi-chan.