I have a Pack Now!



  • edited November -1
    I showed Errik the pictures and clips and he's in love. He got giddy like a schoolgirl when I told him that you don't live too far away. Once she gets more settled we might just have to come by and bug you for puppy kisses lol.
  • edited November -1
    Corina--- so thought you'd become the "international gadfly" and just "run off to Japan and find a dog"! Cute introduction to a cute puppy! What a beautiful doggie you picked! Thanks for sharing the videos and the pics --- love the variation on "how much is that doggie "coming in" the window"! Very cute!
  • edited November -1
    Wow, what a nice pup. I want one.
  • edited November -1
    Thanks Corina. I'll be there to pick her up in a few days ;p


    Congrats <3 ~
  • edited November -1
    Word out - I'm going to Japan next year and not planning on coming back with another pup. So...if anyone thinks they are ready for a Shikoku puppy by then...-trails off-


    So today...yeah...I let these two play together but I think they are too much -grins-. You can get a pretty good size comparison between then two, I think.








  • edited November -1
    Love the videos, Corina! Adorable doggies, and looks like Kotomi can hold her own! what fun they are going to have together .... beautiful doggies!
  • edited November -1
    If you give that offer, you might end up coming back with ... like 10 puppies. 8)
  • edited November -1
    -giggles- That's true, but maybe Japanese breeders will be very happy.

    Yeah...I can only come back with maybe 2 pups per trip.

    I'll start up another topic for this. Right now, I'm gonna make a Ginger Bread house!
  • edited November -1
    Maybe in ... 3 years, i'll ask you! ;D haha.

    By the way, love the Pokemon + Lion King bedsheets.
    Two best things in the world.
  • edited November -1
    Awwww. They're super cute together. They are playing sooooo nice. :-)

    BTW, what were you correcting at the end of the first video?
  • edited December 2008
    Hey Corina (sorry, I get so confused with real names around here),
    Love the videos! Well one things for sure with these videos, Kotomi is a climber! Good lord she's a persistant bugger. She'll climb just to get on as equal a footing as she can with Kei.

  • edited November -1
    Corina! Great vids! Kei seems to enjoy her! It's so cute to watch them play together! I'm coming over this weekend - Cancel all your plans!!! hehe
  • edited November -1
    Your pups are so cute, love the way they play. Gonna have to place an order for your next visit, JK;)
  • edited November -1
    I'll babysit for you while you are in Japan :)

  • edited November -1
    I'm a little late to the party here but let me just say that I want to disappear off to Japan and come back with a puppy!
  • edited November -1
    Steph - Thanks...it WAS my bed and MY sheets but it somehow the dog's took over all my "cool" stuff.

    Dave - Kei keeps wrapping his entire mouth around Kotomi (he does this to Molly - Min Pin/Chihuahua/Other mix - too). He's being (surprisingly) gentle but he holds them down and the pups aren't always too fond of this. Sometimes they "squeal", so he can be a bit "too much". I have to monitor and then "step in" when it gets too crazy.

    Jesse - It's okay, I also go by "Rina" and "Rin", the shorten version of my name. So, you are right either way! -pets Jesse-

    Romi - I might be free this Saturday...if it isn't raining, maybe you can over! lol. Or we can go out and I'll bring Komi-chan.
  • edited November -1
    Cute! They are like two peas in a pod.
  • edited November -1
    They are so cute!
  • edited November -1
    they are so cute together!!!!!
  • edited November -1
    Watch out Corina, I will SO take you up on your puppy offers next year because I will have ROOM then! :P I would go to Japan too...I love that country.
  • edited November -1
    hhhmmm... Could you bring back a Kai puppy? ;-)
  • edited November -1
    and a shiba, too. I'm sure you could fit it in a carry on, though I'm not sure how you'd explain the noises or the bouncing baggage.
  • edited November -1
    Awwww! Kei~kun is getting so dark! :) ~
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