Sick Shiba, need advice

My little 5 month old Kiyoshi must have eaten something he shouldn't have. When i took him out yesterday after work he had poop shooting out of his butt. It was like he was trying to get something big out but couldn't get it out and he was in pain. He was grunting and everything. He was laying around on the floor most of the night. He is usually never still and into everything. He did take a little time out to steal some of my yorkipoo's toys and make her chace him. I was going to see how he was when i get home tonight and maybe give him some metamucil to see if that helps. I want to go home for lunch but its snowing and there have been a lot of accidents. How long should i wait before i take him to a vet.

On a side note, he had his 1st puppy class on Saturday. He was pretty good until the end when all the puppies got to mingle with each other. He was the only the only one that didn't get along with anybody. He growled at every dog except for one. She was the instructor's 3 yr old yorki. The instructor said he was growling at the other puppies because they didn't have any manners but i think he just thinks he's better than every other dog. Hopefully he'll get better.


  • edited November -1
    Call your vet now.
    And skip the metamucil. If he needs fiber give him some pumpkin. Not pie filling but straight up pumpkin.
  • edited November -1
    I'd call the vet too. If his diarrhea keeps up you will want to make sure to take him in.

    Keep taking him to puppy class and I'm sure he will get better, it does take some dogs time to learn their manners. Did he do anything other than growl?
  • edited November -1
    for a pup that young there is no hoping, you must take him to the vet. I wouldn't even try to mask the symptom with fiber until he is checked out, then start giving him canned pumpkin **NOT PIE FILLING** as Jessica suggested.

    otherwise, i think the instructor was right about how your pup did at class!
  • edited December 2008
    Ditto on what Jessica has advised!.....From what you describe about the diarrhea...please make an appt to have your pup seen by your vet asap.

  • edited November -1
    Poor little thing, nothing worse than feeling like that.

    I agree, no time to lose, get to the vet this morning. Also bring in a stool sample.


    Chances are there was an "exposure" from one of the other pups. I was also thinking that the "Reward/treat" in the training might have overwhelmed his system. Too much all at once sort of thing, or even not a good ingredient for a Shiba depending on what it was. No sense in guessing though, dehydration can set in fast over a 24 hour period of time; so off to the vet.
  • edited November -1
    ok, i'll take him to the vet. I'm going to try and get him in over lunch depending on the weather. If its too bad i'll take him after work. he has plenty of water, he was drinking all night. i don't think he'll get dehydrated. He wasn't pooping a whole lot. Yesterday after work it was bad but this morning it was way better. it looked like it was close to normal. he seemed to have a lot more energy too this morning.
    In class, he didn't do much more than growl and they would back off and go play with a more willing pup. He did growl and bark at one dog. he was much bigger than him and i think i had some tension in his leash. when i loosened the leash he calmed a bit.
  • edited November -1
    I'm also going to throw in the nervous factor. Barking at all the other dogs at puppy class on Saturday to tell them to keep away can wreak havoc on his digestive system. Ichi has had diarhea for up to 2 days after nervous encounters. But, just in case, I still sent a stool sample to my vet to make sure he didn't get into anything. I echo everyone's advice here.

    Good luck and I hope things turn out well.

  • edited November -1
    Pups will put anything in their mouths. If he is straining to go with diarrhea I would be immediately concerned about an obstruction. Not all dogs with obstructions develop vomiting. Go to the vet!
  • edited November -1
    I guess my advice would be to go to the vet before having second thoughts. When you have a puppy this young, sometimes there is -no- time for 2nd thoughts. Instead of posting on here for what to do, he should've been at the vet. :) After all, none of us are vets, some of us know more than others -- but the only way you will find an answer to this issue is going to someone who is trained in doing so. There could be no telling of what might be going on with him, there could be dozens of possibilities. Better to be safe than sorry and take him to the vet.
  • edited December 2008
    I took Kiyoshi to the vet and they said he had some type of a virus. I forgot what it was called but they said it is usually found in dirt or grass. He has been digging and eating things that he finds. They gave me some metronidazole and said he should be fine in a couple of days. It is snowing and there are a few inches down already and he was out in the backyard enjoying it trying to catch rabbits. He seems to be fine, except for when he poops.
  • edited November -1
    Well, I am glad it is nothing serious. Hopefully he will be back to normal in a couple of days!

    PS-We need snow spam! :)
  • edited November -1
    "Metronidazole is used to treat protozoal infections in cats and dogs including Giardia, Entamoeba, Trichomonas, and Balantidium."

    ^ Any of these sound familiar? I'm glad you got him checked out and he should be fine soon.
  • edited November -1
    Giardia's not a virus is it? I thought it's a bacterial infection.
  • edited November -1
    sounds like Coccidia
  • edited November -1
    Coccidia is parasites though, not a virus.
  • edited December 2008
    Giardia is a protozoa that attacks the lining and lays eggs that are spread through the feces
  • edited November -1
    Metronidazole (a.k.a. Falgyl) is used to treat a lot of intestinal problems. Its an antibiotic primarily, but also acts and an anti-inflammatory for the intestines. Lucy is on a course right now to supplement her steroid dose.
  • edited November -1
    Coccidia is a protozoa. One taste of flagyl on your tongue is like sucking on a handful of aspirin ground up with bittering salts-it's awful. Poor Lucy. I wonder if dogs can taste "bitter"?
  • edited November -1
    I know it began with a "c". They added bacon flavor to the flagyl. It cost an extra $10. I wish they would have asked before they did that. That was lunch for a couple of days.
  • edited November -1
    Oh, they were nice to compound it for you:) Pets hate this stuff by itself.
  • edited November -1
    Next time I'd ask them to write it down. It's good to be informed.
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