Fair Warning...

edited December 2008 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
This is a fair warning to anyone who hates spam (no one?) lol. I am excited to be getting a Panasonic Lumix FZ28 for Christmas. So, Mika will be getting lots of me following her around trying to get a Shiba Action Shot, lol. It also shoots 720p HD video so I plan on getting lots of that, too.

I am new to photography but I have always had an eye for art. Nevertheless, I didn't want to get a DSLR just yet but I wanted a pretty good camera with lots of options so I could learn. From what I have read, the Lumix FZ28 seems to be a top of the line Bridge Camera, the class in between DSLRs and Compacts. I have caught tidbits here and there that some of you own really nice DSLRs.

So, I was just wanting to inform you of the impending spam, haha. Also, I wanted to know who all has cameras and what kind? I am just curious so I will know who to go to if I have questions. Photography seems like a good hobby and anything that gets Mika and I out of the house is a good thing. I will stop rambling now. I look forward to your comments! Thanks.


  • edited November -1
    woot! Another fz28 owner! I got one for an early xmas present too :) It's definitely cool since I get so much better shots with it even without knowing how to use it! lol. The hd video is okay.. For a 8GB sd card, it can only record 8 minutes! rofl. So I record at lower quality video but it's still good for youtube and stuff. Youtube actually degrades your video :\

    I had the same idea as you about dslr. I was afraid this would be a hobby I would lost interest in and since I didn't know all the options a camera has to offer, I didn't want to take waste almost a grand on just 1 lens and body.

    ANYWAYS, it does get me and Pong out of the house more because I always want to take tons of pictures. It seems kinda lame for me to go alone to a park and take pictures or something.. I would look very suspicious and lame. Pong's my excuse :)
  • edited November -1
    Congrats on the new camera! And I can not wait for some Mika spam! :-D

    I have a Nikon D60, and I am still trying to learn all the functions on it. I have always used 35mm SLR's, but a digital SLR is definitely a lot different (especially since the majority of the cameras I have used were manufactured prior to 1980... I am a sucker for manual EVERYTHING!). Panasonic makes great cameras and have some of the best non-Nikkor lenses out there.

    Good luck to both of you in your spam hunting!
  • edited November -1
    Congrats on the new purchase! DSLRs have a very shallow learning curve since they go from point and shoot mode to more options than you could possible fiddle with in fewer than 15 minutes and have intermediate steps along the way.

    I got my first (and only) film SLR when I was 13 and had no clue what I was doing. I read the instruction manual and then just experimented with everything I could figure out. It was nice back then because my parents were the ones to pay for developing the film. When I got older and had to pay for it myself, I lost interest because I couldn't afford to pay $150 to develop film every time I went out shooting.

    Now I have a hand-me-down DSLR that used to be my mom's. Its a Canon Digital Rebel XT (bottom of the line DSLR right now). It is more than functional for what I need it to do, but I do dream of getting a nicer one some some day. I primarily use my 28-135 IS USM lens and have a Speedlight 430EX flash for indoor stuff. I've only had the camera, lens, and flash together for a few months so I'm still learning how to use the flash. Most of the what I had figured out about the camera with my film SLR transfers directly to the DSLR.

    Anyway, good luck. And I'm looking forward to the Mika spam!
  • edited November -1
    Congrats! :) I just got transferred over to the Digital Imaging [ read: camera ] department at work as well. [ as opposed to selling in every department! Tvs, Computers, Fridges, etc. ]

    I have a Sony t300 [ point & shoot ] & a Canon 450d [ rebel xsi ] with only two lenses ;_; [ I am craving Dave's lens the 28-135mm, the 18-200mm, the 100mm Macro as well as a flash :( I want, I want, I want! But it would come out of Shikoku funds, which I do NOT want lol ]

    I would definitely recommend the FZ28 as a good starter. I call them "baby SLRs" lol I sell models similar to it all the time at work to people who are not sure if they're into serious photography. [ interestingly we don't stock the FZ28 so I've yet to play with it, however, the Nikon p80 & Canon SX10IS which are in the same range are all good beginner photography cameras. The Sony H50 isn't too bad either. Judging from the FZ28's specs, it definitely makes for a good camera. ]

    What I have come to learn though is, it's the photographer, not the equipment. I've seen some amazing things done with a little crappy point & shoot, and some God-Awful things come out of the Canon 5D Mark II. [ $3000 camera ]

    A great resource is dpreview.com.

    Good luck! I demand lots & lots of spam from you when you get it ;) ~
  • edited November -1
    Thanks for everyones response. This forum is essentially an all-in-one stop shop for knowledge, lol. I wish I would have discovered this community while I was waiting to get Mika. I could have used you guys(and gals) in the mean time, haha. The spam will be here the day after Christmas, if not the day of. It depends on my schedule. I look forward to becoming more involved in photography and hopefully finding a new hobby. I've got questions. You've got answers. lol
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