Feeding and poop eating questions

edited December 2008 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
So Aston is gonna be 5 months old next week , weighing in at 20/21 pounds.we plan to switch him over to EVO food. How often and how much should I be feeding him? He's been on the Royal canine puppy 33. Feeding since 2 months old has been 3 times a day, getting 1/2 cup 3 times a day. For the past month we started feeding him a full cup in the morning and evening and 1/2 cup for lunch. The reason we increased the food was because he was finishing the 1/2 cup very fast and still seemed hungry. Aston also seems to like eating his poop. He is free of parasites and the vet said the blood labs were fine. we tried pineapple in his food but its not helping. We watch Aston a lot and take him out many times a day but sometimes he sneaks into the living room, poops and eats some of it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated


  • edited November -1
    He is probably ready to be brought to 2 meals a day, and I would feed him along the guidelines of the bag.

    The poop eating is likely because Nihon Ken like to be clean. Does he normally give you a signal when he needs to poop?
  • edited December 2008
    He gives us signs (scratching the ground like a mad man) but sometimes its a bluff and when we go out he does nothing.
  • edited November -1
    Add a little MSG to his food and let him try eating poop after a few days of eating the MSG flavored food. that should stop him. MSG apparently tastes bad to dogs after it goes through their digestive tract.

    You should only need to add MSG for a few weeks.

    Also feeding a better food will reduce your pups need for the added nutrition the poop adds to his diet.
  • edited November -1
    When he scratches, try keeping him outside or walking him until he does his business. My dogs will not go in their yards only. Nihon ken are legendary for their pickiness that definitely includes where they go to the bathroom.
  • edited November -1
    Ok I know this sounds disgusting but the most dedicated poop eaters will clamp off eliminating to pop it out later for a snack. You need to watch for the butt wink and keep him in a smaller area so you can watch closely if he has not eliminated after a walk.

    Use MSG or Forbid or Distaste for several weeks. Also switch him to another food brand and get him a "Dog Pause" food dish to slow him down eating kibble.
    At this point you should be able to feed only twice a day and that way you reduce the need to poop more often, making it a more predictable time table on elimination.

  • edited November -1
    SnF- that is surely true. I don't know how many times I have seen Beebe act like she really has to go and "prairie dog" but resists the urge until I have to leave for work or something and I am sure she goes when I am gone (I actually bought a security camera and yes, she will hold it and hold it just to have a disgusting snack while I am gone.)

    It can't hurt to slow down the meal times (seems to be a common factor), reducing the total number of poos by going up to a higher quality diet, crating, SEP/pineapple, and vigourous exercise before leaving them alone. I don't think this will work for all dogs, but again it can't hurt.

    Why can't they just poo outside and leave it alone...argh.
  • edited November -1
    Thanks everyone!
    First We'll switch foods and see if he still eats the poop with EVO. Then if Aston decides he still needs to eat poop we can try adding MSG. Where can we buy MSG should we need to ?
    Thanks again
  • edited November -1
    Try also slowing down his eating, taking small handfuls and placing it in the bowl. When he finishes the handful, put another in, follow this until he's finished. Sometimes when a dog eats too fast, they don't digest all of it properly.
  • edited November -1
    ^Thanks, I'm gonna try and slow his eating too.
    This may sound like a dumb question but how long after eating should Aston need to poop? Seems he can poop as soon as 45 mins after a meal, is that normal ?
  • edited November -1
    Yes, or earlier. Eating triggers peristalsis, so the end result of putting food in at the top is poo comming out at the bottom 30 or so minutes later. This allows you to predict when the next one would come. I remember my mom telling me how the old grandmas used to toilet train the children by feeding them while on the pot (this was out in among the old immigrant farming communities).
  • edited November -1
    Ok, so yesterday Aston had his first full meal Evo small bites chicken turkey (last 2 weeks we had been mixing with old food). A few things we noticed was
    1- He seems to like this food and was actually eating slower
    2- He did not try eating his poop (smelled but didn't eat)
    3- today we began with the feeding only 2 times a day and he didn't poop all day till just now 10:15pm.
    He had his first meal at 6:30am and then is second at 5:30pm. Is that too far apart for feeding ?
  • edited November -1
    Nope, that's perfect. I strive to feed my dogs approximately 12 hours apart. A few hours in either direction is probably fine. The big thing with scheduled feedings is making sure they fit your schedule so you can be around to take them out for a potty break 30-60 minutes after the meal. As long as that's the case and they are relatively evenly spaced I think you're fine.

    I'm glad the EVO seems to be working!
  • edited November -1
    Ok good, just wanted to make sure.
    Thanks everyone for the help/input.
    Next stop, install laminate wood floors.
    Thanks Aston for the push to rip out the old carpet. Hahaha
  • edited November -1
    Glad to hear it all worked out! :)

    I think this is just another example of how changing a pup's food can really help solve matters pretty easily :) ~
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