edited December 2008 in General
So my wife's parents were trying to be nice i think and gave our dogs 2 bags of snausages for christmas. they know i try to only give them healthy food and i prefer that they eat natural treats so i don't know what they were thinking if they were. i had a look on my face asking them that my wife told me afterwards. i immediately grabbed the bag and starting reading the ingredient list, those things are made of nothing but junk. my wife took them and told her parents what a great gift. after they left i threw them in the trash. i wanted to tell them they can take them back. would i have been wrong? i know that they know i don't like those things because i was in the grocery store with them a couple of times and they have tried to buy something like that for them and i always say no.


  • edited November -1
    Some people just don't understand. Hell, I didn't understand until I joined this forum!

    My in-laws dog eats Eukanuba and no matter what I say to them they think this food is "great". Well whenever we go over to their house I have to politely remind them to pick up their dogs food dish so my dogs don't eat it. They always say "well if they are hungry they can have some." I am always reminding them that we are now 'grain free' so their food would upset my dogs tummies, plus Sake has been grain free for most of her life with me and since she is a creamie I don't want to discover allergies to grain now!
  • edited November -1
    Just accept the gift and say thank you. You would have been very wrong to tell someone to take a gift back. Instead of throwing them away, you could have donated them to your local shelter or a rescue. Sometimes Nemo gets gifts from his grandparents that I wouldn't normally give him such as really junky dog treats. However that is what grandparents do, they feed junk to the grand kids and spoil them. A few snausages wouldn't have hurt your dog.
  • edited November -1
    LMAO. Snausages aren't great for your dog. But they won't kill them.

    Personally, I feel like you over-reacted. I hope you waited until you're in-laws left to throw the treats in the trash! It was Christmas after all and many parent's wouldn't bother thinking of the pets during this time of year. In the future, treat the dogs in front of your in-laws and casually say that you found these awesome treats. They're all natural, grain-free and very good for dogs. Tell them that you've done a great deal of research and x, y, z ingredients are good, etc, etc, etc. Basically, educate them. Hopefully, that education will bring better treats for future holidays.

    Just telling them no to grocery store treats isn't enough. And hey, if they continue to not get the hints, it's their money that's wasted.

    Also, what does 'i had a look on my face asking them that my wife told me afterwards' mean???
  • edited November -1
    I agree with Brandon. My mom tries so hard to get good treats for the pups. But sometimes she gets something that I would never in a million years buy for them. I let her give them one or two and let her see how much they enjoy them (because boy do they enjoy them!). But after that, I do not give them any more. I usually take them to the park for other pups or to the shelter. However, my mom does know about Bella's corn allergy and she is very careful about that.

    It is pretty rude to throw a gift in someone's face. Even if you have asked them not to. You may want to gently remind them at a later date about what types of treats are appropriate for them. Give them suggestions (and be specific) as they may not know what is a good treat or what is junk food. If they are not knowledgable about dog food, they may have no clue what to get them.
  • edited November -1
    My mom feeds her 16 something year old BC one of the prescription Science Diets (which Maggie leaves untouched at times-must be the BHT and BHAs). Whenever the shibas are over there they immediately start trolling for Maggies left-overs so I just have to be vigilant and pick it up (trying not to get angry). Mom does the same thing that all grammas want to do, "Oh, they're starving, here's some bacon!" I bring my own treats whenever we visit and try to keep a few in my pockets to shove in someone's hand BEFORE they get a chance to reach for the Costco chicken jerky bag or table scraps, ahem...Anyways, they occasionally score an illicit snack but I'll just make Mom pay for the surgical removal of said jerky strip ;)
  • edited November -1
    I didn't throw the treats away until they left. I think i might just have a problem with them. Whenever our dogs are over their house they are always trying to feed them food they've bought. My yorkipoo does fine on all the canned food and snacks but Kiyoshi has always thrown up any canned food or suspect treats he's eaten. They know he is kind of sensitive with food as i've told them more than enough times. They tried to give him some cooked chicken bones once. I try to bring treats with me and tell them to just pet and play with them and leave the food to me. They don't seem to get it though. I might have still been upset about how her mom thinks she can come in my house and turn the channel on my beautiful big screen to the food network while i'm watching football.
  • edited November -1
    Sounds like the problem is more with the in-laws, not the snausages.
  • edited November -1
    "I might have still been upset about how her mom thinks she can come in my house and turn the channel on my beautiful big screen to the food network while i'm watching football. "

    That'll do it every time! LOL
  • edited November -1
    LOL. Must be a woman thing... I LOVE to watch the food network in HD on my big screen. :)

    My suggestion... Let Kiyoshi throw up all over her nice carpet... And then leave. (Not that I would want to put him through any pain, but maybe it will get her the message.)

    Sorry that your MIL is stubborn. And I did not realize she had done this before. But you should sit down and talk with her and educate her on the outcomes of what happens when dogs eat food they have sensitivities too. Maybe let her read some of the forum topics on food. Or read some of Dave's (dlroberts) threads about Lucy's IBD. Sometimes it takes awhile for people like that to get the message. She probably thinks you are being over-protective. (Which we all know you are not.) My mom thought I was being silly about Bella's food allergy until she saw the reactions herself.
  • edited November -1
    Well, that's an easy fix. Take your dogs to a reputable boarding facility in the future instead of leaving the dogs with your in-laws.
  • edited November -1
    +1 for donating them to shelter ;)

    It's a gift, say thank you & just grin & bare it. C'est la vie. Some people just don't GET it. ;) ~
  • edited November -1
    Sorry for the off topic question?

    Whats a good dog food that is not commercialized?

    Aiko has been on innova puppy food since we got her at 8 weeks and I was wondering if I should change it.
  • edited November -1
    Innova is a good food.
  • edited November -1
    At least it's better than my cousin... Her family feeds their dog EVERYTHING! They feed him everything they're eating. Here is an example: yesterday they fed him TWO Egg McMuffins for breakfast. He also eats two yogurt cups. For dinner, it's speghetti or whatever they are eating.

    I went over and saw the speghetti in his bowl and I was like, "wtf!" Although we tell them that this i unhealthy, they still do so.
  • edited November -1
    You know, human food isn't really all that bad if you pick and choose the right ones for the dog. My parents feed Pong chinese food for dinner all the time. But they pick out only the meat and the veggies (plus rice!). A lot of dogs in rural countries eat what their masters give the (usually left overs) and they live a pretty long life with relatively no health problems. But I guess the culture there (I'm using Taiwan as an example) is if the dog gets sick, they die. There isn't really any need for the vet.

    Dog food wise, I keep her on Wellness Core.
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