Ishi is loosing his winter coat already

Hi everyone,

I know it's been a while, I'm pretty bad for keeping up to date on forums/blogs. I promise there will be some updated pictures in the near future. I was wondering if any other shika's are loosing their winter coat already. Ishi has lost about half of it, and I thought it was a little early because it is still freezing outside. I think it may be because last winter he was living outside in a kennel in Alberta (much colder than here) and now he is an indoor dog. Is anyone else in the same boat, or is this something I should be concerned about? Other than the fact that half his hair is gone, he seems as happy as ever.


  • edited November -1
    Well, I do not have a Shika (although I would love one in the future!), but both of my Shibas have started to blow their coats in the past week. We are having a kind of heat wave here in Virginia (it has been getting between 45 and 65 degrees F during the day), so I think it is messing with their internal calendars or something.

    I doubt it is anything to be concerned about (especially since it gets pretty cold in Alberta, and may be warmer where you are) unless he is losing more than just the undercoat.

    And yes... We need more Ishi spam. :)
  • edited November -1
    The first winter Rakka was with us, she lost her winter coat mid-December during a warm spell caused by a chinook wind. This year, she's not losing her coat. I think it may have had something to do with adjusting to the climate beccause beforehand, she lived on the west coast, where the temperature is more moderate and didn't fluctuate as much. Perhaps Ishi is adjusting to the climate? I wouldn't worry about it unless he starts getting bald patches, itches, hot spots, or some other symptom.
  • edited November -1
    i agree with Heidi, i think he is just adjusting. our dogs are just now getting on the correct schedule for our climate and we have lived here for over a year. i think you will see a normalized bi-yearly shedding next season.
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