New Lenses For My Camera = Lots of Spam! :o)

edited January 2009 in General
I'm so in love with my new lenses - for those of you who have not read the photography thread - I purchased some new lenses for my camera for my bday.

[no post-processing on these pics - I took them strait off the camera and uploaded them to flickr]

These pics where taken with the 50mm...

These pics where taken with the 10-22mm...

These pics where taken with the 70-300mm...



  • edited November -1
    Wow--- love the pics! The new lenses were totally worth it! Can Masha get any cuter? ANd I love the pics of Kona... finally the answer to a black dog...

    Thanks for sharing....
  • edited November -1
    The dogs are cool!
    The place you live looks amazing! WOW
  • edited November -1
    STUNNING! :)

    Send me some pups so I can take nice pictures!!! ;) ~
  • edited November -1
    Kona is so wicked with those eyes!
  • edited November -1
    Wide angle is awesome!!!!

    The tele is a great way to take candid photos of the pups, hehehe
  • edited November -1
    When you say straight from the camera. Are they JPGs from the camera or RAW files that you convert to JPG without touch ups and then upload?

    That fith wide angle picture is great, love the sunshine on the grass sticking out of the snow. I want a wide angle lens, it's on the list, hopefully I use it after I buy it.

    That 70-300 takes some sharp shots as well.
  • edited November -1
    Love the pics, the pups are cute and the scenery is amazing. Also love the shot with the glass and the plant
  • edited November -1
    Brad, your spam puts mine to shame, haha. You must have a really nice camera. I haven't taken the time to search for a thread on it, but I am sure there is one. Nevertheless, great spam! I love all of the pics. The close-ups are my favorites along with the scenery pics. I love the view of the mountains you have. I have mountains here but nothing like that. Be sure and get your money's worth out of those lenses and shower us with spam : )
  • edited November -1
    Is your 10-22mm a fisheye?

    All the pictures look great! Did you use a flash when you took the pictures of Kona? They look great, you can see every feature on his face.
  • edited January 2009

    Those pictures are amazing. Ahi! I've missed her! Such a good shot! Kaia is so cute running through the snow. Kona is GORGEOUS! He has such a handsome face. Big L and Little M are so adorable. Masha's hair-do cracks me up every time. Loa and Fuji...sigh...beautiful.

    Okay now I need some Maui, Lani, Kahuna and Hilo spam please and my day will be complete. :)
  • edited November -1
    beautiful, your new lenses really capture the essence of your daily doggy life!
  • edited November -1
  • edited November -1
    Brandon - Yes, they were shot in JPG. I was really just f#cking around with these pics - getting used to the lenses. So I didn't feel I needed to shoot in raw and I didn't feel like spending hours in Photo Shop last night. They where shot in high quality JPG, copied to my PC, then uploaded to flickr.

    I really like the 5th 20-22mm pic too.


    Nathan - I have a dSLR, nothing super fancy. This is my first SLR, I actually hated photography before I moved to Taos and got this camera. I guess I never felt I had anything to take pictures of. Now it is slowly becoming a hobby for me, tho I dunno that my skills are improving at the same rate. lol. This is my camera.


    Casey - Yes, the 10-22mm is wide angle, so you get that fish-eye effect. You can really see it in the 4th pic, the house is super distorted. I don't love that pic [due to the distortion] but I thought Loa was cute in it. No flash used on any of these pics. :o)


    I really like all the lenses, but I think my fav. is the 70-300mm. I will probably use it the most. As Rui said, it's great for getting candid shots of the pups. I like the 50mm a lot as well, but the dogs move to much to really use that one. The 10-22mm is AWESOME, but it has a very specific use case.

  • edited November -1
    Wow, beautiful shots! I love the photos of Loa. :)
  • edited November -1
    Brad - I was only wondering because if they were straight RAW converts they looked pretty amazing. Cameras do a bit of "in camera" processing for JPGs, so that they look better than RAW files straight out of the camera.
  • edited November -1
    oh, ic, i didn't know that! What kind of processing is done in the cam for JPGs... And does some cams have better JPG processors than others?
  • edited November -1
    Brad, I was debating on getting an entry-level dSLR but the prices were about $100 higher than what I really wanted to pay. I wanted to make sure that taking photos wouldn't be a waste of money, and it definitely hasn't. I ended up getting the Panasonic Lumix FZ28. It's a Super Zoom, and from what I've read, they are just below entry-level dSLRs for about $260 as opposed to $400-500. It is actually a $400 camera but the price went down around the holidays because it's been out since September of 08. Your pics really make me want a dSLR now though. The simple clarity they can shoot is amazing. I get good shots sometimes, but not as easy as your camera seems to take them. I love the pics and don't be surprised if I'm not asking around the forum before too long about what dSLR to buy.
  • edited January 2009
    The processing in cam depends on which mode you're using. If you choose something like "Vivid" or some other similar name, it boosts up the saturation, and probably the sharpness.
    And yes, some in cam processors are better than others. Canon always seems to sharpen the image more than Nikon (I'm not qualifying one or the other as better), and every single brand has a different approach on colour rendition. And normally the more you go up in the line of cameras of each brand, the better the image processing is.

    Another thing, your 10-22 is not a fish eye, that distortion is just the normal distortion of a wide angle lens. Fish eyes distort the image way more.
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