I'm off to buy some nail clippers!

edited January 2009 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
So after a few weeks of pretending to cut Mercutio's nails I am going to go out a get some clippers! And tonight I will give it a try!
I have been sitting him on my lap once an evening and touching and playing with his nails to get him used to it. I even pretended to clip them with my fingertips! So.....wish me luck!


  • edited January 2009
    Yay good luck!!!!

    I clipped the Keiko's nails for a while, but ... for $5 a month I decided someone else could do it :o)
    She's actually amazing about having them done when it's a stranger... they even get kisses while she's clipped!
  • edited November -1
    haha Have fun! Hope all goes well :) ~
  • edited November -1
    Good luck indeed. The older Nemo gets, the crazier he gets about having his nails clipped.
  • edited November -1
    I advise getting the orange-handled ones that look like pruners.

    The guillotine-style ones are worthless.
  • edited November -1
    I use a set of cat nail "pruner" style clippers. Had the cat before the dogs, clipped her nails all the time with them. Tetsu's, and currently Tikaani's, nails fit nicely in them so I have had not problem with them. My mother had a set of the guillotine ones, and they just annoyed the heck out of me when I was stuck using them ion the cat. Just the way the it felt when using them, made me feel like I had less control.

    Personally though, if mercutio's nails are dark, or even in general, I'd use a dremel for trimming. It's a bit safer as you can't just cut the quick, and it's less painful for the pups. Eventually I save up moneys for a dremel from the home supply store, as those "pawtecures", or whatever you call them, seem too infomertial junk to me
  • edited November -1
    At work I use the pruning-type ones, and they work much better than the guillotine one that I bought for use at home. I've actually never even gotten that one to work well enough for one nail-trimming session. Honestly, I don't usually trim my own dogs nails- I just use an emery board made for people and sit with them every other day or every third day and file them while I am watching TV or a movie. The boys, especially Yogi, usually go to sleep and Miki tolerates it pretty well. It's become part of the routine, like brushing, and I think it probably is a nice bonding experience too. If only I could get them so conditioned to the new routine of teeth cleaning...
  • edited January 2009
    Ok, so the job is done!
    A bit of fuss about the front paws but the back were fine. I think that maybe when I took him to have it done last time they may have been a bit hard on his front paws...

    Just a quick question...
    If you look at the nail from the side the inside is pink and the nail is like translucent. The pink part is the quick right. So I cut down just to before the pink bit. I thought his nails were really long but even though I cut them I could only take a couple of mm off...is that right? Also Mercutio has alternate pink and black nails...so I was careful about the black ones...I just went for saftey..
    How much of the nail is usually visible? Ican see about 10 mm....
  • edited November -1
    This is how long Tsuki's usually are:

    we let the pavement keep the 'filed' when there is no snow... they get a little longer in the dead of winter but never that long, just a bit of the white nail.

    Another way to safely tell where you are cutting is to turn the paw upside down, never cut beyond the pit (grove) under the nail.
  • edited November -1
    I'd say don't cut too close to the quick, you shouldn't have to cut too much off, as Jen stated, the pavement from when you walk him should file a bit off.~

  • edited November -1
    Thanks for that, it's very helpful!
    I'd say Mercutio's are about the same length as Tsuki's now. Also yes, the pavement takes quite a fair bit down. We usually run together so the nails get quite a good file!
  • edited November -1
    Whenever I think of Shibas and nail clipping I think of this thread. Look at Koji go!

  • edited November -1
    haha That is such an awesome video! I hope I can teach my pup to do that.~
  • edited November -1
    Let's hope that there is no wall paper around the house that is green and black.... : )
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