It's finally happening!!!

edited January 2009 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
So it's been quite a while since I've been active in the discussions. If anyone remembers, I posted 'the big shiba decision' earlier last year. Well, we ended up taking our sweet time researching and making sure we were making the right decision. And when we finally made the decision..... everything fell through.

The breeder who said she would take a deposit from us changed her mind because it was to be the last litter from this particular dog and she wanted one for herself....which left none for us : ( apparently that litter didn’t take anyway so she just referred us to other breeders.

Then one of my cats got sick. So after long months of babying my kitty and making sure she was brought back to tip top health, we are finally ready again.

And it’s happening!!! We found a fantastic breeder who has 2 litters on the way! One litter is most likely going to be top show quality so we are going to get a pup out of the other litter. I'm soooooo excited! I have been to the breeders several times, gotten to visit with the very prego mom and sweet dad, and I've even gotten to meet other owners of her pups! Looks like we are due early next month.

Thank you to everyone here that has helped us make this decision. We are very anxious, and we still have 3 months till we can have a pup running around the house! We will be sure to keep everyone posted and get pics flowing.


  • edited November -1
    CONGRATS!!!!!! This has to be SO exciting for you! Cant wait for the follow up post and pics! (especially the pics! lol)
  • edited November -1
    I'm sorry to hear about your cat, but I'm glad she's back to good health.

    And that's fantastic that you're well on the way to the wonderful world of Shibas! Time for the nesting to begin. :-)
  • edited November -1
    Congrats can't wait to see the puppy when she or he gets home.
  • edited November -1
  • edited November -1
    Congrats!!! :D ~
  • edited November -1
    Hooray! Get ready for some Shiba puppy craziness :P
  • edited November -1

    Prepare for 4 to 5 months of full nuttiness and then some! (LOL)
    Remember they are cute for a reason : )

  • edited November -1
    YAY! I am very glad your Shiba is on the way! (And also glad that your kitty is feeling better!)

    I am ridiculously excited for you and can not wait for some pictures. (Feel free to spam us with kitty, too!) Good luck with the waiting, it is the hardest part. Do you live close enough to the breeder for visits once he/she is born?
  • edited November -1
    Congrats!!! That is very exciting news!
  • edited November -1
    Congrats! I'm glad things ended up working out.

    Keep us posted, and share pics! :o)

    I'm sorry your kitty was sick too.

    Don't be a stranger!

  • edited November -1
    Yes I am very excited. And you are right about the nesting dlroberts.
    We have already started buying things for the kitties to start adjusting to. We heard many dogs like to find kitty treats in the litter box so we found a top entry litter box that seems to keep dogs out. It came with great reviews.

    Now I'm looking for tall kitty condos/trees for a "retreat from doggie" spot. There is so much we want to buy and get ready.

    We don’t know what genders will come from the litters yet, but we are open to either. In fact, if anyone has any tips on the differences, it would be appreciated. We originally wanted a girl so we don’t have to work around dominant aggressions and leg lifting, but after visiting all of the breeders’ dogs we may be leaning towards the boys now. Her boys were much more affectionate while the girls were little hyper spazzes not wanting to pay us any attention.
    Has leg lifting and dominant aggression been a problem for anyone here?
  • edited November -1
    Congrats - can't wait to see spammage.
  • edited November -1
    Congrats on soon getting a pup. As far as the leg lifting, if you get him fixed before they learn it they might not do it. I personally think the leg lifting is cute, but we got Tetsu fixed before he ever tried it, and now he pees puppy/girly style.

    I didn't know there were top entry litter boxes, wonder if they have one that caters to seniors.

    Also, once you get the pups, keep the cat food under lock down. Tetsu goes nuts for it and tries to get whatever he can get. He's even found ways to "bully" Tikaani, siberian husky, to move weights off the containers so he can open it.
  • edited November -1
    It's funny how we always congratulate the suckers for punishment, LOL.
    Prepare to have your life changed for ever, and to love every second of it!
  • edited November -1
    I think it's cute that the boys pee like the girls if they're cut too early, lol.

    But then again, some females lift their leg as well!! ~
  • edited November -1
    Congrats on new pup to come!! Oh the screaming!! The fitting a nap in where ever you can!!

    Mercutio is not cut yet and he pees like a girl!
    Only in our garden does he sometimes lift a leg.
  • edited November -1
    the boys we've had go both ways, squat here and there and lift if its worth it. A dog will not be aggressive if properly socialized and neutered. Remember to socialize socialize socialize that shiba!!!!

    I love my female, she gives me a lot of affection in her own shiba way, she'll come find me and sit on my foot to be pet, more than our male does.

    Each dog is an individual. Will you have the option to visit the breeder a few times after the pups arrive to get a feel for which is best for you?
  • edited November -1
    yes actually. the breeder is about an hour away. She said I am free to come by when ever and how often I would like. She also told me that I will be the first to have choice of the pupies (if she doesnt want one). I guess I'll just have to learn each of their little personalities and see who fits us best : )
  • edited November -1
    Aww! You're so lucky!

    Just remember...spam! Spam spam spam spam...Spam!!!

    ;) ~
  • edited November -1
    Miso pees like a girl...
  • edited November -1
    Mookie didn't start lifting his leg until around 6 months. The only time he pees like a girl is when he really has to go and he can't find a good pole or garbage can to pee on. He does what we call a PTP (Pelvic Thrust Pee) on the sidewalk LOL.
  • edited November -1
    are they lifting their leg as a marking/dominant thing or just for potty time? I guess I'm just worried about how I've seen other male dogs lifting their legs and marking everything in sight.....
  • edited November -1
    Miso will squat and pee first because he has gotta pee...then as we continue on our walk he will lift his leg and let out a squirt to cover up another dogs smell. He would never do it in the house though. I chalk it up to him being a boy and we are outside so why not let him lift his leg 15 times during our walk. He does it sometimes and nothing comes out...we tell him the hose has run dry...
  • edited November -1
    LOL! Kristin, Bella does that... Not the leg lifting, but she marks over other dogs 'spots' when we go to the park... (we call it pee-mail) And sometimes when she squats, nothing comes out. It is pretty funny. Luckily, Nola has not learned that yet. :)
  • edited November -1
    marking isn't necessarily dominance, I think thats a misnomer of the word itself.

    They are pottying, and males (and some females) feel the need to mark while pottying. We had a female foster that would mark things, too. It wasn't to be 'dominant', its just a canine behavior.
  • edited November -1
    roxy our little girl with lift her leg sometimes and not others, and like the others sometimes stuff comes out other times nothing
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