To the cat owners (sorry dog lovers)

edited October 2007 in General

I need help!!!  Sorry to hijack the forum but this has been an ongoing battle....

Our adult cat has had problems since we got her (8 years ago). She poops outside of the box at times. It is right outside the box. Sometimes she goes in the box but runs out and tares through the house with nuggets following her. We have taken her to the vet a few times with no diagnoses other than constipation. We have tried various foods that have been suggested to no avail. It is becoming more frequent. We have tried the hair ball stuff (she is long hair), we have tried pumpkin (pure of course) but she is so finicky she wont tolerate it. HELP! Other than a nuisance I dont want her to be uncomfortable. Any suggestion? Sorry for the blunt content but us furry parents are used to it right??


  • edited November -1

    My cat Argyle does the same.  Is your cat fat? Argyle does it for two reasons, to protest if the box is not immaculate, and because he doesn't exactly fit. In fact we have to shave our large lads bum once a month because he doesn't clean himself the way he used to. The vet basically told me to make peace with it. If you find an answer let me know. I am sorry I'm not more help. Cats are tricky, they don't exactly aim to please their guardians the way dogs do. But at least you are not alone.

    This is my stinky man (and he was that fat when we rescued him 8 years ago. He actually has LOST a pound since we got him)


  • edited November -1

    Thanks Jessica. Someone suggested on another forum wet you use wet food? We have gotten a larger box with no lid for her. She does need a good shave (it may be hair??). She is so picky I dont know if she will eat wet food...any suggestions of a good one? Maybe I can put cat nip on it. She is a big nip head.

    The culprit...


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  • edited November -1
    I feed him Orijen Kibble. I switched him when I switched Moto. Maybe try some raw meat.
  • edited October 2007

    my cat , i got him from rescue center, he was almost 4 years old, with eye problem, if i don't take him, his life wouldn't be long tho.

    he is a big guy, weight 18 lbs, with long heir, bad eyes, i had to clean for him after he pee or poo, now it's kind like i am the one who deside when he should go pee or poo.

    about wet food, i am not so sure, but he eats my plants, trees, dry leafs, also, i give him water by syringe, so i am kind know how much water he had... because of my last cat dead on kidney problem, i always make sure give this guy a lot of water.

    he clean himself all the time, with double coats, i am sure his stomach is full of heir , but he seems fine, never once vomit, i think some thing to do with all the leafs that he aet, by the way, he doen't eat cat grass tho.

    one more thing is keep your cat busy, may be help?

    by the way, go for a x-ray, you should see from x-ray, if it's really constipated. also check your cat's GI tract, may be can find some abnormal thing  that you don't know yet...

    sad to hear some thing like this, hope it's gonna be fine for both of you.

    good luck.

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