My baby # 2 Taghi (Tah-ghee)



  • edited November -1
    That would be interesting if the white turned into another color on the muzzle. In shibas it's the opposite and the colors only fade as time goes on where a white mask/markings would remain or just get bigger. Does anyone else have a shikoku that had this same marking as a pup which did a reverse fade I guess into a colored muzzle?
  • edited November -1
    your babies are so adorable!!
  • edited November -1
    Kris - They are full brothers? I thought Sweety was sent to Egitte to be bred with one of their males. Was Sweety bred at iKon then sent to Egitte pregnant instead? I'm confused.

  • edited November -1
    Kris - They are full brothers? I thought Sweety was sent to Egitte to be bred with one of their males. Was Sweety bred at iKon then sent to Egitte pregnant instead? I'm confused.

    Yes, they are full brothers. Sweety was shipped to Holland to have her puppies there so that Egitte could register them FCI (for 1/2 the litter); the other half returned to the US after being born and are registered UKC. I guess it was part of the deal between Peggy and Egitte that Egitte would get some puppies from the mating of Sweety to TK. I know that when I very first contacted Peggy, I assumed as you did in the comment above, but she clarified that Sweety was only sent over just before she whelped.
  • edited November -1
    Oh, I see. Ok. Thanx for the clarification! That's cute we have so many brother/sister Shikoku on this forum! :o)

    So then that makes since why Taghi and Kuma look a lot alike to me.

  • edited November -1
    Such a cute couple you have there! I'm glad they're getting along and playing I can't wait to see more pictures of the two later.
  • edited November -1
    Very cute! I'm happy to see so many people adding Shikoku to their family. Congrats!
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