Can this really be?

edited February 2009 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
Ok, here's the scenario... Skippy sleeps in his kennel at night in our extra bedroom. For the last week, my husband has been sick so I've been sleeping in that extra bedroom. Remember, Skippy sleeps in his kennel. I went to sleep with my husband in our bed last night and Skippy cried for over an hour. Unfortunately, the rooms are across the hall from each other. Not being able to listen to it any longer, I went in and slept in that room. He settled down. Can it be that he got used to me sleeping in that room and didn't like me sleeping elsewhere? This morning we moved the kennel out to the family room away from the bedrooms so that maybe I can sleep with my husband tonight. By the way, he's 8 months old.


  • edited February 2009
  • edited November -1
    Are you entirely opposed to having his crate in the bedroom with you?
  • edited November -1
    I was going to ask the same question as Jessica. Our dogs sleep in our bedroom at night by choice, I just think they need to be with their people.
  • edited November -1
    Miso and Sake always sleep with us. Although because our bed is so small at the moment they usually end up on the comfy couch in the living room so they can have their space.
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    I would say, Yes, he definitely got used to sleeping near you. While we were on holiday vacation in SC, Ryu and Roxy slept in our bed for two solid weeks. When we came back and went back to our normal crating routine - it took much more work but they are OK with sleeping on their own now. Eventually, we might be able to go back to our "Crated during the weeknights and in the bed on the weekend" routine but for now, Roxy is learning to love her crate.

    If you absolutely cannot have him in the bedroom with you (for instance, Tim has to sleep through the night since he has to wake up so early therefore, no puppies in the bed during the week...not to mention the lack of space for two crates) - I would start a crating routine in the living room (as you said you were trying tonight) so that he gets used to sleeping without you near him. Our dogs are crated in the living room as well (and Ryu was crated in the living room when he was an only pup) and it seems to be working out well. It may take a few days of crying but they are pretty resilient. Just stick to your guns.
  • edited February 2009
    We're opposed only to having him actually sleep with us. My husband gets up several times during the night and he's a big guy so there's not a lot of room. We wouldn't be opposed to having Skippy sleep in the kennel in our room however there's not enough room in the bedroom. Hopefully as Ryu stated, we've got him moved to the living room and he'll get re-used to sleeping without me in the same room -- he did it before for 4 months. Thanks for the advise. It's just so funny this is happening and strange to us because we've always had labs (raised outdoors) so we've never had to experience the shiba attitude. I wouldn't give him away for a million dollars! He's an absolute wonderful joy to have around and also, loves our labs. As you can see by the attached picture, they all find room on my dining room rug in the evening.
  • edited November -1
    Only one night and my huband and I are back to sleeping together and Skippy is comfortable in the dining room in his kennel. So now I've experienced the "dislike of change" attitude! Thanks for everyone's comments.
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