dog room

edited February 2009 in General
so, I am moving hurray
and I am going to have a room for toki
only problem is that it is carpeted and I was wondering if anyone had suggestions on covering part of the carpet with some hard easy to clean surface (it is a rental so easy quick fixes would be best)
In addition, anybody bought any gadget/device that they would recommend for enhancing a dog's daily living


  • edited February 2009
    Congratulations on your move. I have a carpeted dog room/office for the kids aside from the kitchen. When Beebe was a pup she was always ex-penned on linoleum or hard wood or crated, something that she couldn't rip apart while I was gone. If you can be there to watch, just "baby" proof the heck out of the room and otherwise, crate or place Toki in a linoleum/tiled/wood floored area in case of accidents (I'm assuming you are taking him outside to potty and you have a good routine, and are not confining/leaving him for great lengths of time). Also remember that leaving a young active dog alone for hours at a time is begging for them to destroy furniture and flooring. Also, they lose incentive to retain their potty training skills. Toys are good diversion, but some of the best toys are humans!
  • edited November -1
    Just a suggestion. I've been able to get rolls of this stuff, but I'm not sure how it'd hold up to Shiba boredom and curiosity.

    Clear Vinyl Carpet Runner Protector

  • edited February 2009
    Ditto on what Lindsay suggested.

    I am not sure if it will go over carpet but here's an idea.

    I know a lot of the training centers use foam floor mats that are easy to clean and provide traction but they are put in place over concrete or hard surface.

    Good luck with the transition, it sounds pretty cool to have a single room devoted to dogs.
  • edited November -1
    Lucky Toki getting a room all to himself :) ~
  • edited November -1
    A while back Romi did a great step by step tutorial on how to make a play pen. This is something many of us use. My dog Miko loves hers.
  • edited November -1
    Wow, that's an awesome idea! Would it be beneficial to have a little wooden lip around the wood flooring to catch spills and accidents? Our crate has a lip and it contains liquids pretty easily. I think I am going to copy that idea too... It just looks so homey :)
  • edited November -1
    I have a portable pin like that, but I have it ran length wise to the wall, the first panel and last panel of the pin are at 90 degree angles to the wall and anchored in place with eye bolts. I have a heavy tarp down to protect the carpet. The pin holds the tarp down on one side and a 1"x4" nailed to the base board to keep the side to the wall down. It gives Orion about a 4'x8' pin with pleanty of room to move around in.
  • edited November -1
    Does anyone own a shiba withstanding dog gate?
    It will be the length of a regular sized door entry
    and could you point me to where I could buy one online
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