Shiba Sighting

edited February 2009 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
So, I was driving to work when I stopped at a red light [ instead of speeding through it, obviously lol ] I turn my head left looking around & come face-to-face with....a Shiba!!!

lol You know how SUPER stoked I was!!! S/He was a gorgeous sesame shiba, he looked like he had Joey's Face, with Toby's colouring, & Hachi's fluffy fur.

He was too cute!!! Sticking his head out of the car, happy as can be. I really wish they had turned into Best Buy, then I could have loved on him some haha.

I was so excited, I called my sister to tell her lol [ kind of sad, but she was just as excited as I was ]

This one minute event was, unfortunately, the doggy light of my week. I have some rather annoying news to share once I extract the photos from my cell. :( ~


  • edited November -1
    Annoying news captured on your cell? That can't be good. :(

    I can almost guarantee every time I go anywhere with Sasuke's head sticking out of the window, someone will comment something (fox/hybrid, Shiba Inu, cute dog, etc) One time Sasuke came face to face with another Shiba at a red light and the owner and I talked for about 10 seconds then the light turned green lol
  • edited November -1
    lol! Now THAT is a huge coincidence!

    There seems to be a distinct lack of Shiba here in Orlando. [ I'm not sure if this is a good or a bad thing? ]~
  • edited November -1
    ive never seen another shiba here is scotland :( im very sad :( but its nice to have a different dog to everyone else..ive been chatting with a girl that lives 30 mins from me by train and she has a a meeting is on the cards..we have one thing in common at least we both found out about shibas through a nintendo ds hahahahahahahha!! alot of research was done before we jumped into it obviously and 6 months later i got little leo.....I was in new york not that long ago and im sure i saw a shiba i got a little over excited but the guy was in the middle of the road so i couldnt be like hey is that a was hoping i would see shibas in Miami but i didnt ill let all you guys from miami know when im going over and i expect you to take walks along south beach so i can find you!!! haha
  • edited November -1
    I think there are certain surpluses of shibas in certain areas. :)

    It's cool you found someone else tho! A play date for Leo maybe :) ~
  • edited November -1
    I just moved from Orlando in April, nearly a year ago now. I didnt see another Shiba there the year I lived there. To bad I didnt know you lived there at the time.
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