The puppies were born!

edited February 2009 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
It's taken me a moment to get around to posting.... but the puppies were born on the 9th. The breeder contacted us and I was so excited that she allowed me to come over on the 17th to see them. 3 boys and 1 girl. The mom is a sesame and dad is a red so the puppies are (or probably will be) both. The girl and littlest boy are looking pretty red right now and the other 2 boys are dark with alot of black right now. The breeder may keep the girl so looks like we are getting a little boy. We're so excited. Jacey (breeder) doesn't mind us coming over to just hang out so we just sat around with the puppies for hours. I'm super kicking myself for forgetting my camera in all the excitement, but I'll go back next week and be sure to get pics!

Now the 8 week countdown begins........


  • edited November -1
    awww! i cant imagine how excited u r! congrats!
    looking forward to the pics!
  • edited February 2009
    newborn puppies...check.
    Friendly breeder who welcomes you in to chat for hours anytime....check
    camera to take pictures of puppies...EPIC FAIL :) j/k. Congratulations and your interaction with them at such a young age should go a long ways in introducing your puppy to yourself and humans in general.

    I look forward to the picture SPAM! :). I'm curious to see pictures of the sire and dam especially since the dam is sesame if your breeder will allow it. There's just not enough pictures of sesame shiba around:) (No offense meant Casey!).

  • edited November -1
    Congrats!!! And definitely fail on the no camera! :-P

    Jesse - just you wait... As soon as the sun comes out, I will bombard you with photos of my little Nola... and of course with some Bella thrown in there for good measure! But,there are never enough pictures of any of the pups to suit me... so I understand. :-D
  • edited November -1
    here is the link to the breeders web site pic of the dam. She is listed as a 'red sesame', but I dont know if there is a difference between 'red sesame' and just 'sesame'. She is still very young in the pic because the site hasn't been updated in some time.They are an older couple (not to computer savy) and they said their webmaster moved to a different country I believe.

    Here is a pic of the red sire
    (I hope my pic attachment works... I've never posted a pic on here....)
  • edited February 2009
    Congratulations I can't wait to see your little puppy also nice looking Dam and Sire I really love the sasame color I can't wait to see pictures of your puppy and his siblings.
  • edited November -1
    Congratulations...can't wait for you to take you boy home and post up some pics:)
  • edited November -1
    Interesting, Ichi's actually very close to this coloration on the muzzle and back...


  • edited November -1
    How exciting for you!! Congrats! :)
  • edited November -1
    Absolutely gorgeous pictures! Excited to see puppy pics and hope you enjoy!
  • edited November -1
    ok, no panic, take your camera and drive like hell to the breeder!! want so seeeee some pics :)

    just Kidding :) Congratz!!!!!

  • edited November -1
    Puppies out of a sesame and a red breeding will most likely be genetic sesame's meaning the dog or bitch can throw either color if bred, but may in fact be totally red in color itself. Sesame and red sesame are the same thing. Sometimes people that own what is known as a "dirty red" or "a red with a black overlay" think they have a sesame colored dog, but in reality it is a genetic sesame and doesn't obtain the proper coloring that a sesame requires (for the show ring....that is). Some people still show these dogs because in the summer when the coat is not its fullest the black tipping is less noticeable.

    Asia in below picture is a dirty red...and a genetic sesame.
  • edited November -1
    Maybe this is a better picture. She is fat in these pictures because she was expecting puppies!...and her black tipping is not as dark because the pictures were taken in the summer.

  • edited November -1
    UGH!!!! Torture!!! Get Asia off this website!!!!

    It still makes me sad to know I can't bring her home. Can I have her owner's address so I could go shiba swiping? :P She's so beautiful and looks like a sweetheart.
  • edited November -1
    CONGRATS!!! can't WAIT for the puppy spam! I'm sure these next 8 weeks will seem like forever! But in no time you will have you cute ball of fluff!

    Glad you figured out how to post that pic. You'll need to be a PRO at posting pics soon! :D
  • edited February 2009
    So since i cant spam with my pup, I'll spam with a friends. Her pup Zorrita is from the same breeder but born last year. Zorrita shares the father of my pup and her mother is a sibling of my pup's mom. The mothers grandfather carried the B&T gene so some of their pups seem to develope into sesames. The 1st pic is Zorrita still very young, and we were sure she would end up red. Then, suprisingly, she started turning darker! the other 2 pics are her now. Lyn (friend is hoping she'll stay sesame. She's so pretty!

    on a side note.... I'm going to try to get Lyn on this forum too. She's definately proud of her baby and would love to see other shibas. She has been a shiba lover for a long time, but waited until she retired for her first.


  • edited February 2009
    ok I messed that up.....trying to get the other 2 up..... ****EDITED**** I finally hosted the pics, sorry for the huge pics before....


  • edited February 2009
    I'll get this one day.... ****edited**** I finally got it : )

  • edited November -1
    BEAUTIFUL! I hope she joins! I would LOVE to see more pics of Zorrita!!!
  • edited November -1
    wow those are big... sorry all. I'll resize next time.
  • edited November -1
    You know, I am so happy that I joined this forum! My mom's Shiba looks EXACTLY like the genetic sesame in the picture, as far as coloring. We have always wondered why she looks kind of like a red but has a little bit of black on her too. I'm going to tell my mom!!
  • edited November -1
    andreamg4, if you load your pics to a site like photobucket then it makes things MUCH easier! Just a thought.
  • edited November -1
    ok, will do next time. I'm also told I can host pics through my picasa web albums so I might try that too. I'm currently at work so I dont have as much access to sites as I would at home. Security walls/blocks on a lot of pages from here.
  • edited November -1
    Very pretty! :) ~
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