Kaeda photo spam: 08-1-10



  • edited November -1
    Major eye candy! So gorgeous! I'm incredibly jealous...I want an Akita...T_T

    Very nice pictures!
  • edited November -1
    Just got my Nikkor AFS 35mm f/1.8 lens today. I wanted to see how it would do in the house without a flash.




  • edited November -1
    Nice! How do you like it?
  • edited November -1
    So far so good - here are some photos that I took indoors no flash. I think I need to step it down a bit for sharpness reasons but hey its a $199 lens so the price is right.



    I post some non akita photos in the photo thread.
  • edited November -1
    She is very beautiful :)
  • MnVMnV
    edited November -1
    Awwww.... how cute. Kaeda is awesome!
  • edited November -1
    Just got back from Mammoth...thought I would post some Kaeda spam.





  • edited November -1
    She's a beauty! I love the pictures and their atmosphere of a sunny day slowly coming to an end :)
  • edited November -1
    She is growing into a beautiful lady.
  • edited November -1
    Wow she is really cool looking, her color is amazing!
  • edited November -1
    I'm with Dave. Kaeda's brindle is amazing. She is such a pretty girl. That first pic is really cool with her eyes looking all red tinted.
  • edited November -1
    She's looking great man!
  • edited November -1
    It really depends on the light. In full sunlight the brown is really showing in her brindle. Indoors and/or morning light the grey is showing a lot more. She shows a lot more grey when she is out of coat.

  • New photo time: Just got back from Mammoth... again :) This time I spent the day up Tioga pass playing in the creeks up there.








  • Ha ha ha Kaeda is taking on a pretty big stick there! She's so beautiful. Her brindle amazes me everytime, and she always has that sensitive/serious look that I love in Koda.

    I'm also digging on that harness. Where did you get that?
  • LOVE that last picture! She is just stunning. Especially when she is trying to take on a gigantic stick!
  • Nice pictures, she looks very feminine.
  • Kaeda looks great! Love her brindle, it looks like camouflage in the grass.
  • I'm very happy with her. She is 21 months old and still very puppy-ish. Which makes for some very entertaining moments. Like this one... the quality sucks but I got a chuckle out of her.

  • Generally, at what age do Japanese Akitas lose the puppy mannerisms? Would you say they mature slower than their American counterparts?
  • She is so beautiful! Love the vid of her falling asleep--it really does have the puppy feel....
  • AYK - sorry for the late reply. Kaeda turned two on the 19th of November, I would say in the last month she has started to act more like an adult. I do know that the JA grow slower than the AA but I have no clue if they mature at a different pace.
  • edited December 2010
    my aa was about 2 and half before she stopped acting like a puppy and it was very much like flicking a switch, one day she was silly and daft next day she was all grown up. guess time will tell with our new ja.
    kaeda is a real stunner.
  • That's freaking adorable!
  • edited December 2010
    Moved to new post
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