Innova Evo!

Just started Mercutio on a new diet. I had to get him off that Eukanuba stuff. So with some help from LJ (thanks) I was able to change his diet over the last week.
Since I live in Japa it is really difficult (strangely) to get hold of 6 star foods.
In the end I have ordered in bulk from the net.
Mercutio is now on Innova Evo small red meat bites with a three times a week addition of Orijen fish.
Once a week I crack an egg over it and another day dribble some cod liver oil over it.
Mercutio is full of energy now and sooooo happy. But the main thing is that the dry skin he was getting on his back leg has gone and his coat is amazingly shiny and soft. In only a week the transformation has been fantastic. I must admit though I didn't think it possible he has more energy than before!! Which is given me less energy than before....but it's defo worth it!
Thanks to all especially LJ


  • edited November -1
    I am so glad to hear that it's working for you, too. I know it's a pain to have to do the ordering, but I'm so glad you were able to find something that worked!
  • edited November -1
    so I've been hearing about the other things you mentioned...but raw egg? Hadn't heard that one yet. Helps with coat?
  • edited November -1
    Raw egg is something I do for my own hair - once a week, Jazz has been doing it the last 8 months and there's been a definite improvement - Jazz lost almost all the fur off her front two paws and about half off the back (her paws were in that condition when I picked her up). The back is fully grown in and her front paws are over halfway. We've just added seameal and hopes that gets us all the way back.
  • edited November -1
    It was great! I ordered it and the next day it rocked up to my door COD.
    The shop was somewhere in Kanagawa...Anyway.....well chuffed!
  • edited November -1
    You might want to strain out the egg yolk and only feed that. The whites are high in beta blockers and they can have an adverse effect on nutrition absorbtion.
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    Every once in a blue moon, we give Ryu a whole raw egg and watch him crack it open and eat it. It's fun to watch and he loves it!
  • edited November -1
    I think I am gonna try the egg thing with my kids, see what happens...thanks for another great tip Forum Folks!
  • edited March 2009
    Kissui has a good point - the whole egg is nature's perfect protein/phosphorous ratio, but if you only give them the contents and not the shell, holding the whites is healthier.

    *Also, raw egg is very rich for dogs who aren't used to it (as is raw red meat and pork). If you see runny stool - thats why. Plus, feeding it with kibble stalls the natural digestion and may over time become a bacterial issue. Just an FYI.
  • edited November -1
    Jazz gets the shell - she's very dainty at cracking it to eat.
  • edited November -1
    Instead of starting a new thread just to rant, I figure I'll just hijack an old one.

    It is very hard to find premium kibble over here in Japan for decent prices. I've always had my dogs/cats on mixed raw/home cooked diets with occasional medium grade kibble. Unfortunately I'm working full time now, and probably won't have as much time to do the raw and cooking as much. Soooo I've been looking for some premium stuff...

    Orijen fish at $120 per 15lb bag......... ouch
    California Natural I've found a bit cheaper at $100 per 30lb bag
    Innova Evo at $120 per 30lb bag

    Anyone over here in Japan come up with any better deals or any local brands that are worth looking into?

    I might be better off just getting a bigger freezer for more raw lol.
  • edited November -1
    I agree, I think that is more expensive than feeding RAW, especially since you are a hunter.

    Have you called Orijen to see about becoming a distributor? You can buy a pallet of the food then... tho in Japan that may be like $30k. LOL.

  • edited November -1
    How about importing it? Even with shipping it might be cheaper...tho probably not by much. Sorry Shigeru D: ~
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