I Really Miss My Friend

edited March 2009 in Akita (秋田犬)
I really, really miss my friend Gray Bryne of Akakuro Akita Inu in the UK. In fact when I think of him, it is difficult for me not to break down and cry.

For those of you who do not know the Akita Inu in the UK faced the same problems it currently faces here.A few people who had some imports who would breed to what they had causing a "tweenie effect." Also Gary had no support from "our" club JACA because of a stupid personality conflict.

Anyway it was Gary and Akakuro the breed in the UK would never have been split. Ever.

Anyway his death came as a total shock to me. I am having such a deep problem with it I cannot even describe. It effects everything I do in the breed. In fact he also hadChows and I am begining to lean in the same direction

I love you Gary, thank you for everything. I miss you so much.

Love Always,
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