Pic spam of Miu Miu

I had my little Miu Miu for about 7 months and I never actually posted that much pic of her here. So here you go.

I am calm

She looks extra pointy in this pic.
curious miu miu

I told her not to move but she won't listen. now the pic came out blurry.
Miu Miu Green Scarf

She was staring at me coz I didn't share her my food. :P
What Miu Miu

What is up with lazy sit?

She is almost 8 months old. Seems small to me but I don't really care if she small or not. At the moment, she is in heat right now but I really wanna spay her. Should I wait till the heat is over or spay her now? Thanks a lot guys. Hope you enjoy the pics as well even though they are not good quality since I took them with my phone. Also forgot to resize them.


  • edited November -1
    CUTE PICS!!!! :D (More please! hahaha)
  • edited November -1
    Adorable! I love the lazy sit picture, what a goof!
  • edited November -1
    She's a cutie.

    From what I understand about heat cycles is that the organs involved are already in a bit of upheaval, and going in for the invasive surgery (a spay) during that time frame could result in complications, more so than a female out of her active heat getting spayed. Usually a vet will ask you to wait 2 months after her heat to spay her.

    Just keep a watchful eye on her until then! Male dogs are sly for a female in heat!
  • edited November -1
    no sly male dog can touch my little miu miu. Thanks for the advice tsukitsune. I will keep an eye on her and spay her after her heat cycle is overed.
    Also thanks for the kind words guys.
  • edited November -1
    She is very cute. Nola does the lazy sit also. I love Miu Miu's face in her lazy sit picture. Her expression is hilarious!
  • edited November -1
    too cute! I love the name!
  • edited November -1
    Latest Pic of Miu Miu

    Miu Miu Couture
  • edited November -1
    so, so cute!
  • edited November -1
    how long before the bow was ripped to shreds?!
  • edited November -1
    so cute
  • edited November -1
    She is absolutely adorable.
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