Brad - Please Read. Only you can see this.

edited March 2009 in General
Brad, we thank you for the information and personal experiences you have contributed to the forum in the short time you have been a member. Enthusiasm for the forum and the breeds is great; however, enthusiasm at the expense of alienating or upsetting another forum member is not. This forum is what it is because of the collective experiences of its members. But, please keep in mind how you may come across to other members. Personally "flaming" or attacking a specific member of the forum or anyone else either implicitly or explicitly is strictly prohibited. The forum was made to be a online community of enthusiasts to help, inform, and learn from each other. We have worked hard to foster a welcoming and friendly environment where people can come to and share their stories and experiences without worrying about being judged. We would appreciate your cooperation in continuing to ensure that friendly environment.

If you are having a problem with any members or have an issue with the forum, please feel free to contact any of the Admins. Brada1878, Romi, dlroberts, JessicaRabbit, brandon_w, and Leonberger are all Admins and would be more than happy to discuss any thoughts or concerns you may have.


  • edited November -1
    Thanks for coming to me personally on this. I would like to know in what way i have specificaly flamed someone. I am not being a smartass here i just need to know where as to gain perspective. I really am trying to temper my responces and any help I can get to refine my V 2.0 would be helpful.
  • edited November -1

    It seems like you have a lot of good things to contribute, but your message is getting lost in the delivery. For instance, there is no need to repeatedly attempt to make the point that everyone should be capable of doing breed specific research. I think it is a fairly uncontentious point that everybody *SHOULD* do research before getting a dog. We, as well as (most likely) everyone else on the forum are in agreement about that. The problem arises in how you delivered that point. Quoting other members posts about their learning experiences and saying "...i just have a really hard time with..." that is derogatory, belittling, and offensive.

    Further, be careful about stating things as absolutes. You can't honestly say you've never made a mistake in your life can you? This forum has a large and loyal list of active members that have diverse education and experience levels. Many of us have come here to learn, some before and some after making mistakes. But we've all made them or will make them at some point. As a result, when you make blanket statements about choices other people may have made, there's a good chance you are commenting about one of the forum members. Try to put yourself in their shoes. Perhaps you have thicker skin than most other members, but hearing someone describe how bad a decision they've made after they already feel bad and have learned from their mistake is hurtful to most people.

    We appreciate your willingness to help us out in maintaining the amicable and congenial atmosphere on the forum. It sounds like you have a lot of experience and some really great advice to offer. We just hope you can be more cognisant of how you may be coming across to other members when you do offer advice and share your experiences.

    As always, please feel free to contact any of the Admins should you have any questions or concerns.

    Thanks again for your understanding.
  • edited November -1
    I have to admit I am thinking of taking a break from all of this. I love the dog but I really can't stand pointless interactions.

    I can't really be held responsible if someone feels guilty for their stupid decisions. I really did temper my responce but I have learned long ago when it comes to dog boards, it isn't what is said but who says it that matters. Looks like I am going to be on a short leash here and frankly, that juice isn't worth the squeeze.

    I am just going to continue with my own thing. I love these dogs with all my heart, I just for the most part cannot stand the people and that probably will never change.

  • edited November -1

    We're sorry you feel that way. You should know, you aren't being held on any leash at all. We expect the same level of courtesy and respect from all of our forum members. You aren't the first and I'm sure you won't be the last forum member that we have talked about decorum with.

    The forum is intended to be a fun place to share ideas and experiences. If it doesn't serve that purpose for you, then perhaps we would all be best served if you did take a break.

    The Admins

    P.S. You should be aware that one of the Admins can read whispers and has informed us of your comment in the RAW feeding thread. That type of personal attack on another forum member is not tolerated. Please don't let it happen again.
  • edited November -1
    What!? I was the one who was attacked. I was accused of malnurishing my dog!

    If your going to moderate then by all mean moderate but don't be hypocrits about it. The street should go both ways. That post to me on my Raw thread was totally uncalled for, degrading, demeaning and insulting to me.

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