Boys 'N Girls

edited March 2009 in General
Are there major differences between male and female shibas as far as behavior goes? My only dog experience has been with females and I may be getting down to decision time as far as putting a deposit down on a puppy. I'm open to getting either a male or a female but I just want to make sure that I know what to expect.

I am planning on having the dog spayed/neutered and it would be great of the shiba could get along with my parents Aussie Shepard mix (female). I don't live with them so its not absolutely necessary, but I do visit often and it would just make life easier. I've heard that shibas tend to get along with dogs of the opposite sex better. Is this true?



  • edited November -1
    Since you will be starting from a puppy, your main goal will be to socialize, socialize, socialize. My female (we got around 4mths old) is very well socialized and hasn't met a single person OR dog she doesn't like/instantly want to play with. Our male is not well socialized with people, but is well socialized with dogs. He also gets along with dogs of all sizes, both genders.
    I think either gender has the potential for issues if not properly socialized (whether spayed/neutered/intact, although I'm glad you'll be speutering!)

    I know of a couple male-male shiba pairs that get along very, very well. We have some female-female pairs on this forum that seem to get along great.
    My male-female pair are inseparable but are also welcoming to all other dogs in our home. My two get along with my mother's 14y/o moody rat terrier female (intact!), they get along with my BFF's alpha-y female (spayed) terrier, they are currently living with a male (neutered) foster dog and we all get along fine.
  • edited November -1
    I got a Male first and a Female (puppy) second because I had also heard that opposite sex pairs work best together. They love eachother like crazy and only "squabble" as siblings would every once in a while. There were NO major fights.

    My dogs are super socialized as well as Jen's (Tsukitsune) and will welcome any dog into their home. My puppy is going through a stage right now where she is hesitant of new people, but is seemingly getting over then (except for with one person).
  • edited November -1
    According to our shiba breeder...females tend to be a little harder to train than males. She tends to recommend males to first time Shiba owners. Personally, I think it's what you prefer, I like the boys...but Kahlo is changing my perceptions about girls, big time!
  • edited November -1
    I would say the opposite of the breeder in the females were easier for me to train since the focus is a little different. The females maturity was there a little sooner. So rather than defining it by gender I would say it is individual with each dog. Some animals are simply more outgoing or reserved. No two are alike and nor is the training plan exactly the same for each. Think of it like siblings in a family, you all go to school but each one's focus and talents may need to be directed differently to achieve the learning outcome.

    About male/female paring ....again it depends on the dogs. I have met some where male female in the same home would not work at all. I think it is about matching energy level, tolerance, personalities and socialization levels.

  • edited November -1
    Thanks guys for all of the great feedback! I'm glad to hear that there aren't any major differences between the sexes. My boyfriend is rooting for a boy as if we get one, he gets to name it and I get to name it if it's a girl, so that seems to be the only real reason for me to prefer a girl : )
  • edited November -1
    I have two female Shibas who absolutely ADORE each other. Nola gets along with pretty much all dogs/people. Bella gets along with most people and most female dogs. She is not really all that keen on intact male dogs, however she will tolerate them as long as they give her the appropriate amount of personal space. As for altered males, she really pays no mind to them unless they invade her space when she is trying to relax, then she can get a little snarky.

    So I think a lot of it is differences in personalities. I have heard lots of generalizations about the different sexes, but a lot of it depends on the personality of the dog and the environment that they grow up in. Either way, I am sure you will be thrilled at your puppy! :)
  • edited November -1
    I am kinda new to shibas too but I have my first one now and she is a female and I haven't had any issues with her at dog parks, she loves boy and girl dogs. :-) if that helps any...
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