Why is he barking at me

edited March 2009 in Behavior & Training
So Aston (7 month old Shiba) has now started bark at me for what seems like no reason. If im laying down or sitting on the couch he will walk over, sit down and bark at me. I ignore him because i dont want him to think that behavior is ok. Then after a few more barks if i dont respond he'll jump on the bed or couch. Now before he would only bark when he need something ( water/ go out) but now its like he just wants attention from me. i give him attention and pet him but he nips my hand when i reach for him. i push his head away and continue to pet him and he relaxes. I cant do anything around him without him walking over giving me a stair and then barking or biting. what can I / should I do to correct this ? Aston is a really friendly dog with people but he is starting to worry me.


  • edited November -1
    Sounds like the little guy has reached the rebellious stage. More than likely he wants attention. Bella paws at me when she wants attention. Unfortunately, we have tried everything, but she still does it. Luckily, after a minute of ignoring her, she gives up.
  • edited November -1
    Give him nothing. He is just being a punk. If he barks at you turn your back on him. That is giving him the opposite of what he wants. He will figure out soon enough that this is not the way to get you to pet him, or play, or whatever he wants. Even if it means getting up and leaving the room. Any attention is indulging him. He will learn quickly. Moto and Miko both went through this.
  • edited November -1
    Is it an alert/mean bark or a high pitched playful one? Kelly does the high pitched playful one when she wants attention. I usually ignore her because she bothers me at the worst times. But sometimes it could mean that she has to use the restroom, so if she continues to bark after a few minutes i usually let her out.
  • edited November -1
    lol thats like sasuke... but Sasuke bites. First I suggest you keep him on a leash while he is not in his crate. This will keep him close by and you can use the leash to guide him off. Saying "ouch" doesn't really work on older dogs. If he nips, use your "too bad" command, turn your body, use the leash to keep him from nipping, count to 10, then resume play. As for him getting you when you reach, try your hardest to read him to avoid that. He is only getting practice, and we dont want him to perfect it.
  • edited November -1
    honestly the situation does not sound that severe.

    I would bet that not indulging your dog with attention will resolve it very easily.
  • edited November -1
    Sake started doing this a few months back. She would just walk up and bark to be a jerk. I would leave the room as JessicaRabbit said and she figured it out pretty quickly. Now when she wants attention she comes up and sits next to me or if she has to go out she sits next to the door.
  • edited March 2009
    This happened with our Tsuki, too. Except when she barked, she'd also try to nip at sleeves or hands for attention. Not giving her attention for her antics really paid off because now she - like Sake - will just come and lean on my leg for attention. They learn very fast.

    When he gets this way, and once he calms down from your attention, or just calms down in general - do you have a chew he can work on if he's that bored/frustrated?
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