Kahlo's in heat...AGAIN..sigh...

I just took Kahlo in last week for a routine checkup and pre-spay bloodwork. The doc took a look at her..no puffiness/swelling and said she should be fine for surgery. Then, a just a couple of days later, I was lookin at her and I was like..that's odd...she looked a little swollen and then this morning I was like, OH GOD NOooooo! I've never had a female dog, so this is a first for me. I'm a bit puzzled...Kahlo had a heat in September and again in about December...and now....That seems a bit frequent to me...given what I do know about dogs.

The vet suggests I keep my spay appointment for April 16th...isn't that a bit soon if this is a true heat?? Shouldn't I give her uterus time for the swelling to decrease? Does it really matter?

Can you walk a dog in heat? I know dog parks are out (obviously)....but Kahlo has a really hard time going potty in our yard...she hates doing it...and would rather hold it than go.

I'll give Kahlo props for her cleanliness...she's been exceptionally good at keeping herself clean!


  • edited November -1
    Piglet went into heat the DAY we rescued her. She bled for all 21 days. Then we thought she went into heat again. However it wasn't heat. She had hemmoragic cysts in her uterus. We walked her the whole time. She was fine with Moto our shiba who passed last year. Other than the mess. Oh god she was gross. But her surgery went fine. And Kahlo will be too.
  • edited April 2009
    Just like young female humans it's possible for young female dogs to have irregular heat cycles. The general rule is 2 cycles a year. Sometimes a female can have 3 cycles though. I think any more then that I would get the dog checked out as a pre-cautionary to a possible health issue. Stress can also play a role. I wouldn't worry as much with a young dog then I would an older female - but that's just me.

    My personal preference would be to let her ride her heat cycle out and then get her spayed. Also, I'm not sure how your vet runs it, but they usually charge more to spay a female in heat. If you wish to reschedule, call your vet. *Also, I'm wondering, if your vet may suspect something - hence why the suggestion on keeping the appointment.*

    Yes, you can walk a dog in heat. Just make sure her collar and leash are secure and that they aren't any loose dogs.

  • edited November -1
    Hmmm, that's a bit to many heats. They can average every 4 months, but less is a sign of Thyroid issues. You may want to have her tested.

    As for walking her, I wouldn't worry about it.

    I would leave it up to the vet as to when she can be spayed - but I would mos def get it down soon... those empty heat cycles are very hard on her.

  • edited November -1
    I think I'll push her spay to the 23rd. She's not showing any signs of distress, diet is normal as are her poops...when I called the vet they weren't too surprised, but say if anything worries me to bring her on in. Thankfully, we don't have too many dogs in our immediate area so I'll be taking her out tomorrow for a good long walk!
  • edited November -1
    The only thing I have known of people with bitches in heat to do differently about exercise (that aren't kenneled), is to not walk them in front of their own home, but drive a little ways and then do the walk. That way they may avoid the "bread crumb trail" to the front door for any stray males to follow.
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