Akita Behavior Question

edited November 2007 in Akita (秋田犬)

Hilo seems to get a little bit of anxiety when he travels in the car with us. He is always really stoked to go out and even excited to get in the car, but he gets in the back and will not sit still and sometimes even whines a bit.

I've notice that all the Akita I have shared time with do tend to show a level of in-ward thought, as if they are observing what is going on around them, and if there is a situation they feel they may need to be part of they seem to get a bit anxious. I have only spent time with 4 Akita tho (not including Hilo), so my impression may be incorrect.

Does anyone else experience this type of anxiety with their Akita? Do your Akitas like to travel?



  • edited November 2007

    Jack hated care rides. Tasha loves them, but only recently will she lay down when told. When she was young, she whined, too. Over excitement?

    The other Akitas I transported while in rescue exhibited a variety of behavior, so it's hard to say. Tasha was certainly the most active while in a car, though. Jack the most nauseated. Drooling, pacing, going from window to window wasn't uncommon. I did have a few that were just gems, though - quiet and relaxed.

    All Akitas are 'deep' thinkers and rather stoic.

  • edited November -1
    Ok, that makes me feel better. Hilo sounds like he acts more like a mix of how Tasha and Jack acted. He just passes back and forth, then he will plop down, then get back up. It's silly.
  • edited November -1


  • edited November -1
    Kuma used to whine in the car, but lately he seems to be ok with it. We just tell him to sit and he has a toy with him. Of course, since the trip home, the longest ride was to the vet, and that takes 5 mins. On Saturday we'll take him out on a real walk with people around for the first time, and by then I'll have more insight on this...I hope it stays the same.
  • edited November -1
    In the car, all of my Akita re cool, they're looking arund, throw the windows, they're very curious ^_^
    For there first travel in car, sometimes anxious but after, they have  to sit be calm.

    But, I 've make lot of travel with them: to canine club, to dogshow... so they're accustomed.
    Take time to Hilo for his adaptation in car
  • edited November -1
    Well, I can give an update on this since its been a while...

    Hilo does well in the car now, tho he gets a bit excited and if we don't take him out before we get going he leaves a little present for us in the car <- gross!

    Lani is the same way, she was a bit nervous at first but does well now... tho she too left us a little gift in my car after a long trip.  :c(

  • edited November -1
    That's good news!

    Keigo is a pretty confident dog - except when it comes to his footing. Wooden stairs and grates bother him. He'll jump over them. Ever walk a 110lb dog on a short leash and have him jump in another direction?? The first time nearly tore my arm off and put my face in a brick column. FUN. Car rides are nothing to him. He looks around a bit, but isn't all too interested....unless a motorcycle is involved.

    Mika is a much more fearful dog, but LOVES car rides! All the different sounds and smells makes her happy.

    But I definitely agree that Akita's are a more pensive breed. Though I've only had a cocker spaniel to compare them to and well Alexis just wasn't very smart, let alone thoughtful.
  • edited November -1
    Jake does not ride well in a car, he gets sick after about an hour, sometimes 30 minutes, sometimes 10! I hate to put him in a crate for such short rides but maybe it's necessary for longer rides. The breeder said "it will get better" but not as of yet. He doesn't get anxious. all the while sits straight with front feet on the console, back feet on back seat, but eventually he's gonna get sick. So far I've just kept a blanket on the back seat. No Akita experience but learning from forum :-}
  • edited November -1
    The car ride today was longer (about 15 minutes) and Kuma was very cool about it. He was sitting or lying down for pretty much the whole ride. I hope it stays this easy.
  • edited November -1
    Michelangleo was a pleasure on the ride home to Carlsbad, CA with total drive time being a touch over 6 hours. He would look up a bit than go back to sleep. I would pull over when he woke up so as to walk him and he seemed pleased with that. He is 8 weeks old and I am going to start researching places to go for obedience training which will entail more drive time.

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