
edited April 2009 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
There are too many cute options, I just don't know what to do!
So, since we did not have any luck with the Shikokus, Greg and I are going to back to the original plan of a Shiba. (I always wanted shiba!) We had to compromise on the color, I'm partial to black/tan, but Greg has his heart set on a sesame. Honestly, it didn't take much convincing for me to see it his way! I am really excited about our puppy options. There are 3 breeders in Japan with Sesame Shiba pups right now, at least that I found, and I love our options so I've stopped the painful (due to language difference) search. Sooooo, here they are!

Female, 2 months-

Male, 8 months. We love him, but we're nervous that he may not have had any training in the 8 months of his life. Who knows what his life has been like. He looks incredibly happy and sweet though!

Females, 2 months.


How am I supposed to choose from this?!?!?! It's impossible! We're going to visit the last 3, they are a 7 hour drive and kinda near each other. So we're going to see the 8mo boy in his habitat and see how he behaves and attempt to learn about him. Then we're going to see the precious baby girls. We are in love with all of them. This is tough! :)


  • edited November -1
    Sorry about the pic problem, I fixed it. :) Still new here.
  • edited November -1
    I love the 8 month old male and the last female!
  • edited November -1
    The 8 month old male is very nice. I don't know if I would want to deal with all the puppy stuff. Puppies are adorable but a real pain in the butt.

  • edited November -1
    that last female looks like rakka (shikoku) when she was a pup!

    I hope the meeting goes well! Raising adult shibas is (IMO) easier than pups!
  • edited November -1
    That last female pup is OH so CUTE! She just looks like she would be such a punk (in a good way). :-D
  • edited November -1
    love them all sorry...

    decide on your feeling you will know when you see them live... or take all 3 :) !!!!
  • edited November -1
    I know! I wuv em wuv em wuv em! We are crazy about the last one too, she's our fav. And the 8mo boy, we love him, he just looks like a goofy, mischievous ball of fun!
    It would be nice to not deal with puppy stuff. But the concern is that he hasn't had any training and will be hard to train because he's older and set in his ways. I don't know where he is housed, what kind of socialization he's had, if he's even potty trained outside of his kennel, how he's been treated by the humans he's been with...there are a hundred questions. And I can't ask any of them because I don't speak Japanese! Also, I know it would be better introducing a 2 mo old furrball to our cats, they won't feel any threat.
    Ohhh what an impossible decision! I think Lisa is right, we'll know when we meet them. :)
  • edited November -1
    So what are the puppies' coats going to look like when they are adults and have their adult coats?
  • edited November -1
    Excellent question, I'm sure they will change a great deal. I'm hoping that if we get the most drastic color, like the bottom female, when the coat lightens it won't lighten as much as the others will. But I could be very wrong in that hope...*shrug*
  • edited November -1
    Hey Jill,
    Whichever you decide, don't let the obstacle of an 8-month old "being set in his ways" detract you. We've had people in this forum do such things like change the name of their dog, retrain using positive reinforcers, and most of the dogs were well after the age of 8 months.

    Good luck on your trip and happy hunting. I don't think I've ever seen so many different sesame shibas in one thread before. I'm just taking it all in.

  • edited November -1
    I'm in love with the first puppy! If it didn't involve tons of paperwork and a 14 hr plane ride, i'd come over and get her right now and make the decision easier for you (jk : )

    Good luck with choosing one of the three! I'm sure whichever one you go with, he/she will be a great addition to your family!
  • edited November -1
    I rescued a 4 yr old shiba and they can be trained - it just takes patience.
  • edited April 2009
    Yes the training is really not of issue since the breed is pretty tidy. Many dogs have been rehomed from a kennel situation and it has worked out just fine. It all starts the same with the basics just as if you had a puppy, only an adult dog can hold it longer and usually has a longer attention span since it is a bit older.

    I do see the point about the cats being a factor but the rest of the training probably can be worked out pretty easily.

    Good luck....glad you are thinking about what will work for your particular situation.

    PS: An 8 mo old is still technically a puppy.
  • edited November -1
    I got my Oliver when he was 7 months old. All he knew was the "crib" he stayed in and had never been outside. He was house trained in less than 3 days and hasn't even made any mistakes....it was great!!!! These dogs are known to be very clean and don't want to pop where they live.

    The only problem is that he's shy but I blame that on his caretaker. He's well socialized with other dogs because he lived with so many but he has people fear. He must have been handled by too many people. But he's coming around from that too. Meeting the older pup you'll see if he's well socialized. Pros and cons to everything......

  • edited November -1
    And to show the flip-side of Steve's experience:
    I got my dog as an 8-week old puppy. He was also house-trained within a week, but had a few mistakes along the way (Giardia's a bitch). He's not well socialized to dog or man and also has people fear (initially it was women). He's a medium/low-energy dog that is scared of high energy whether it be dogs or human (excited/angry/happy you name it). Part of it I believe is due to lack of human and dog socialization at an early age (he was the last of his litter to go at 7 weeks and he wasn't sent to me until 8 weeks old) and I believe some part of it is the inherent "meek" behavior of his genetic parents.

  • edited November -1
    Well, I don't think you can go wrong out of those choices, but I like the last one best. Maybe just because she reminds me of Rakka :-)
  • edited November -1
    That last one is sooo cute... I love the 8 month old boy!!

    Loki was 7 months when we adopted him (just a few weeks ago) and he's responded amazingly to his name change and all of the training we've done with him. He learned 'bedtime' (go to your crate, basically) in just one day. He came to us knowing 'go potty' which has made my life so much easier. Keiko who we've had since she was 8 weeks still doesn't respond to 'go potty' or 'bedtime'. She knows what bedtime means, but only decides to go there if she thinks something good is coming ie food. I guess I'm saying that we've actually had better luck training the older pup from the humane society!
  • edited November -1
    Such cute pups there! I like them all, but the last one is so cute with some interesting colors.
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