We adopted a Shiba!

edited April 2009 in General
Well, I was browsing through Craigslist yesterday and I saw an ad for a free Shiba male. Of course Shiba Inu was spelled wrong and being free I knew that these people that had him didnt know them very well at all and he would probably be given to someone who didnt know the breed either. So I called the woman and said I wouls be there in 10 mins. She told me she got him from a friend at work who couldnt keep him and she couldnt keep him anymore, so now I have him.
He is really shy and very timid. I hope its just because its a new home. I am a little concerned with his lack of muscle in the back legs and thighs. He is really really thin on the butt end.
This was the ride home, and at his new home.
His name was Ginji, but its doesnt sound very nice and doesnt seem to fit him so I am going to give him a new name when I find a good one.


  • edited November -1
    : ) congrats, he's a cutie : )
    I'm sure he'll warm up to his new home soon, and i'm not sure about the leg muscles, maybe he didn't get enough exercise?
    he looks happy though.
  • edited November -1
    Ill get a pic of his legs to show what im talking about, it might just be the way hes built. I was worried that he spent a lot of time crated or something.
  • edited November -1
    what a good looking dog! congrats!
  • edited November -1
    Congrats! Wow, look at those eyes! ~
  • edited November -1
    Aw, he looks nice! Thanks for giving him a second chance.
  • edited November -1
    How awesome and great of you to give him a home!

    From the looks in the picture he appears to be a bit straight in the stifles (knees). It does not mean he is going to fall apart. However, the shape won't change much but you can provide strength exercises that will develop the muscles so things hold together better. It's amazing what strength training will do to help movement. I would not jog with him or put him through heavy endurance exercises but a little thigh building can't hurt.

    There is a dvd out called "strength training for performance dogs" and some of the exercises in that might help you guys out

  • edited November -1
    Hi Patrice,
    Would things like teaching your dog to stand on their hind two legs and maybe even a little tug of war help build the thighs?

  • edited November -1
    Congrats to your little fellow!! and you to :)

    when there were 2 owners who "couldt keep him" in a row he was probably crated much, but i think with some exercise daily walks he should do fine in some weeks/months again!!

    It was really a great thing to react in such a short time and i dont think you will ever regret this decision!!

    Good luck you 3!
  • edited November -1
    Looks like he and your girl are getting along ok, congratulations on the new boy.
  • edited November -1
    What a cutie, how is he and Sachi getting along? Do you have an idea of age?
  • edited November -1
    Wow, he is adorable. Congrats!
  • edited November -1
    Congrats on your new addition, and thanks for giving him a second (third?) chance. I think that with a little exercise and some strength and obedience training he will be just fine. He has such a sweet face!
  • edited November -1
    Congrat's!!!! Great looking Shiba!!!!

    I'm sure he'll come around.
  • edited November -1
  • edited November -1
    I was told he is 9. Which works out because Sachi is 7.5 They are doing pretty good, the only thing we will have to work on is Sachi's possessiveness over food. We have renamed him Akira. It tok a bit to come up with something that fit him.
  • edited November -1
    Jesse I think in the video they suggests supported balancing with slow controlled movement forward and backwards. (It is similar to what poodles do in the circus with huge beach balls with front paw on it.) The first sessions are supposed to be very few. About the tugging, I am not sure. It probably depends on the particular dog and how the use other parts of their body as well.

    Before beginning any of the training I would have the vet first take a look to make sure all is well. There are some exercises that should not be done and the dvd explains which ones specifically.

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