shedding question

My little Kiyoshi is 9 months old now. He started to shed a little a couple of weeks ago but seems to have stopped. I was under the impression that he would blow his whole undercoat. He still leaves hair on me whenever i pick him up but i've seen my friends shiba that you could touch him and pull off clumps of hair. It gets up to 65 degrees here, does it have to get warmer for him to lose it all? Do i need to take the furminator to him more? I used it once and it took off a bunch but he was squirming and trying to bite it too much so i gave up.

on a side note, Kiyo had his first trip to the dog park last Saturday. He behaved very well. He has came a long way since his first experience with a group of dogs in his puppy class at 5 months. They were having a weiner dog meetup so there were a ton of them scrambling around. He didn't really bother with them though. There was a puppy Shar Pei that was bullying all of the other dogs, running into them and playing out of control. He was coming up on Kiyoshi out of control and Kiyo got into his bold stance and the Shar Pei stopped, his tailed dropped and he let Kiyo sniff him. From then on Kiyo was the king of the dog park, all the other dogs just followed him wherever he ran to. I need to figure out how to stop him from stealing all the tennis balls he sees flying around next.


  • edited November -1
    Tetsu is such a ball monger at the dog park as well, wait until your Kiyo discovers the ball throwing poles.

    From what I've gathered from this forum, there are many factors as the a shibas shed.

    There are two types of coats a shiba can have, one that sheds seasonally and one that sheds all the time.

    If your pups isn't getting enough of outside time or a consistent temp exposure (Ex. AC in the summer), it can screw up their shed cycle and their fur doesn't know whether to stay or go.

    He is having his first shed, so his body may be still learning how to shed, if you know what I mean.

    If Kiyo is not liking the furminator, try using a different kind of brushing tool or maybe distract him with treats while brushing. Personally, I don't really understand the hype for the Furminator, there are plenty of other equipment that does just as good of a job with less damage to the coat. I've actually use 3 types of brushes (Slicker brush-looks like lots of bent metal pins, one that is reminiscent to a saw blade, and a soft bristle brush), and alternate between them depending on the situation. I grew up using the saw-blade type brush on my aunts dogs (something she made us do whenever we came over to keep us out of her hair) and it did wonders on a shepherd/husky mix coat.
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